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Q: Can collection agencies add fees and interest to accounts in Wisconsin?
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Can a collection agency add charges and interest to an old debt in Wisconsin?

Of course.

Can collection agencies double your interest rate?

Read the contract. If the contract says they can...

Can a collection agency charge fees or interest in new jersey?

Collection agencies can't add charges. Fees and interest charged to your account are per the terms of your contract with the creditor.

When a credit card account has been charged off can the collection agency charge you additional fees and interest?

It would depend on the state laws that are apply to collection agencies and collection procedures. In many states they can add fees incurred for the collection of a debt and interest on the amount of the debt itself.

Can a Homeowners association charge interest on delinquent accounts?

Probably, yes. Read your governing documents and your association's Collection Policy Resolution to discover its process for calculating delinquent accounts.

Can collection agencies request additional money on interest charges after the debt is paid in full?

No, a debt collection company purchases a debt from a creditor. They can try to collect on that debt but may not charge interest on it as they have no contract with you outlining interest charges. If a company is attempting to do that, cite the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act, a federal law, and complain to the Federal trade Commission, which oversees debt collection practices.

Can the bill collector who bought the bad credit card charge interest over the interest that has already accumulated before?

Collection agencies can only charge interest if you agreed to it in your original contract. If they actually bought the debt they shouldn't be able to charge any additional interest on it since you did not sign a contract with them allowing them to do so. Please keep in mind that not all collection agencies buy debt. Some are still collecting on behalf of the original creditor which means interest and fees could continue to accrue.

Does updating collection accounts to a bankruptcy lower your credit score?

The fact of filing bankruptcy is already going to lower your credit score, and the point of bankruptcy, part of it anyway, is to resolve unpayable debt such as collection accounts. It is in your best interest to add the collection accounts to your bankruptcy, but if you consult your BK attorney, he is likely to advise you of this. The bankruptcy is the first next step in repairing your credit and improving your credit score.

Does interest apply to dormant savings accts?

No. Banks will offer interest only on active bank accounts. Dormant accounts are inactive and do not earn any interest. Customers need to keep their accounts active if they wish to earn an interest through their accounts

Can collection agencies charge interest?

Yes, unfortunately they can charge interest and other fees if they have purchased the debt from your original creditor. However, it is always a good possibility to negotiate collections for a fraction of what you owe (including extra fees).

Can a collection agency charge interest on a debt?

In some situations interest and accompanying collection fees can be assessed.

Where can I find high yield accounts in Milwaukee Wisconsin? features an extensive look at all current high-yield accounts offered by all major banks and credit unions in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. On this site, you will be able to find the ever-changing interest rates, as well as reviews on many banking institutions. Wachovia has high yield accounts and are available everywhere in the US. Also, Bank of America has had some very high-yielding accounts in the past, but their rates change often.