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Generally they can't garnish your account for a debt in your husbands name only unless he also uses your account - as in a joint account or his pay is deposited in the account.

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Q: Can a wife's bank account be garnished because of a judgment against her husband for an unpaid debt in his name?
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Can a credit union account be frozen because of a judgment?


Can wages be garnished prior to the judgment?

Wages should not be garnished prior to a court order. You should be able to argue before a judge that you do not owe a bill because a man did not complete the work. You are not bound to pay him until he finishes the job. If he did not fix your car, he should not garnish your wages for refusing to fix it.

If a person has not missed a payment to a credit card company and they cancel him can they garnish his wages?

If the account is considered in default because the payments were not the minimum required, then a creditor has the option to pursue litigation against a debtor. Before a creditor could garnish the wages of a debtor a lawsuit would have to be undertaken and a judgment entered against the debtor. The judgment could possibly be executed as a wage garnishment according to the laws of the debtor's state of residency.

Can a person on a fixed income wages be garnished?

A person on fixed income wages can be garnished. The reason I know is because my friends father got his wages garnished because he borrowed to much money on his chase card. Her father has to pay back 35,000: that includes intrest. My advice is to not get a credit card and if you get a credit card, only use it for emergencies only because you do not want your wages garnished when you already have a fixed income.

Can wages be garnished by more than one judgment creditor at a time in North Carolina?

When a creditor garnishes your wages they can only take a certain percent. Then when another creditor comes along they cant garnish your wages to because the first one is already taking the maximum allowed.

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Can my wages be garnished because of my wife's medical bills?

Wages can be garnished if the creditor wins a judgment against you. In order to so that, you must first be sued by the creditor. And the creditor must win the judgment in court. If you are sued, be sure to attend the court hearing and plead your case to prevent this from happening.

Can your federal income tax refund be garnished because of a judgment?

It can be if the garnishment was by a government entity. If the garrnishment was by court order in favor a a private entity it cannot. CAVEAT: If the refund is direct-deposited into your bank account it has then been "converted" to your private funds and the garnishment can be made against assets contained in the bank account.

Can a bank account be garnished if the secondary account holder owes someone?

Yes, a bank account can be garnished if the secondary account holder owes someone. If there is a legal judgment against the secondary account holder, the creditor may obtain a court order to garnish funds from that account to satisfy the debt. However, the specific rules and limits for garnishment vary by jurisdiction, so it is best to consult a legal professional for advice specific to your situation.

If a judgment is granted to your divorce attorney because you did not pay legal fees can your wages be garnished?

It depends on the state... Probably. * Four US states do not allow garnishment if there is another option for the judgment holder to collect monies owed (bank account levy, seizure and liquidation of non exempt property, lien against real property). Those states are North and South Carolina, Texas and Pennsylvania. In all other US states a judgment holder can garnish wages. It would be quite simple for an attorney as they already have the necessary information to execute the judgment as a wage garnishment.

When a judgment is awarded against a man and wife and his company and the husband files bankruptcy on the company but the wife is not a party to the bankruptcy can her wages be garnished?

If both persons were sued and a judgment awarded but only the husband filed bankruptcy and included the debt; the judgment can still be executed against any non-exempt property belonging to the wife and perhaps jointly owned property as well. The legal presumption is that the debt is still owed because it was jointly incurred.

Can a credit union account be frozen because of a judgment?


Can 1099 independent contractors be garnished in Virginia?

No, they cannot be garnished because there is no paper trail of the earnings until that person completes their yearly taxes. They can put a levy on your bank account though.

In the state of Michigan can a deficiency judgment garnish wages?

In Michigan, deficiency judgments can be used to garnish wages if a lender obtains a court order allowing them to do so. This means that if there is a foreclosure or repossession, and the sale of the property or asset does not cover the full amount owed, the lender can pursue a deficiency judgment to collect the remaining debt, including through wage garnishment.

Can wages be garnished prior to the judgment?

Wages should not be garnished prior to a court order. You should be able to argue before a judge that you do not owe a bill because a man did not complete the work. You are not bound to pay him until he finishes the job. If he did not fix your car, he should not garnish your wages for refusing to fix it.

If a collection agency gets a judgment against you can they garnish your checking account for more than the judgment amount?

The collection agency can freeze your account, and garnish enough to satisfy the FULL amount of judgment, including court costs, attorneys fees AND interest accrued, which averages about 10%. So because the judgment verdict also has attached to it various fees, and accrues interest, the collection agency has the right to garnish the FULL CURRENT VALUE of the judgment. Your court of origin should be able to provide a full accounting of the current value of your judgment.

Is judgment proof legal in Kentucky?

Yes, judgment proof is legal in Kentucky. Judgment proof refers to a situation where a defendant does not have sufficient income or assets to fulfill a court-ordered judgment. In such cases, the court is unable to enforce collection of the judgment against the defendant.

Can a social security be taken out of bank account because of a judgment in Kentucky?

Generally, no. Social security funds are usually exempt from garnishment to satisfy judgment. There are so exceptions, though.