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It depends on some other factors such as whether your credit record and income are strong enough to not require a co-signer.

It depends on some other factors such as whether your credit record and income are strong enough to not require a co-signer.

It depends on some other factors such as whether your credit record and income are strong enough to not require a co-signer.

It depends on some other factors such as whether your credit record and income are strong enough to not require a co-signer.

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13y ago

It depends on some other factors such as whether your credit record and income are strong enough to not require a co-signer.

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Q: Can a spouse be required to co-sign under the Equal Credit Opportunity Act?
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That is decided by the LENDER.

When the cosigner dies is the spouse responsible for a repossion that she did not cosign for?

The spouse is not responsible and should not have this on her credit. But the estate of the deceased will still be responsible for the debt.

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Your spouse needs to be present.

If you have bad credit will it affect the credit score of your spouse?

Your credit standing alone won't affect your spouse's credit. The only way your spouse's credit would be affected along with yours is if you jointly hold accounts and then fail to pay them.

If your spouse co-signs for someone will it affect your credit too?

No, your credit rating is separate from your spouse. If he or she cosigns it will only effect his or her credit rating.

Does wife credit card affect husband?

If a spouse has a credit card in their own name & the other spouse isn't listed on it, bad credit won't affect the second spouse. But, if you both apply for a loan or other credit - the credit bureau will check both parties credit reports.

If your spouse has a judgment against them can it also be filed in the other spouse's credit report?

If the judgment names only one spouse as the judgment debtor it will not be entered on the non judgment spouse's credit report.

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Your spouse's credit score should not be affected if he/she is not on the deed or on the mortgage that was foreclosed.

Who is responsible for your spouse's credit card debt?

depending on who was using the card, that's who's fault it would be... I'm going to assume since it was your spouse's credit card, that your spouse is then responsible for it.

Will the surviving spouse's credit rating be affected by the repossession of the deceased spouse's car?

AnswerIf the surviving spouse was not a joint borrower on the vehicle loan the repossession affect/appear on their credit report.