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No. If your state allows payday loans, then a payday lender could sue you civilly for default, just like any other loan. Many states have made payday lending illegal. You would have to research your state by checking with the financial regulatory agency. Payday lenders will often make threats of arrest, etc. That is illegal to do in all 50 states, in violation of Federal law. It is a common tactic to scare you into paying.

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Q: Can a payday loan issue a warrant for your arrest if default?
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Can a collection agency issue a warrant for a payday loan check that went back?

If a Payday Loan company hires a collection agency to collect on your account they can send your account to an attorney to collect the amount of the loan and any NSF fees that you have accumulated. However, it is stated at the bottom of your contract that if you close your checking account that the loan is made from, that you can be charged with fraud.

Can you get a payday loan at another payday loan place if you have a cash advance payday loan out right now?

Yes it is possible to attain a payday loan from another payday lender if you already have a cash advance payday loan. Since the loan is for a temporary period, it is not an issue if you have another loan. Also, there are no credit checks and so the process of attaining such kind of a loan is easy and hassle-free

Bad check threat on payday loan in Texas?

Payday loan companies cannot issue a bad check to any county in Texas. The District Attorney's office considers them to be a line of credit. The collection agency will try to scare you into believing that! Payday loan companies cannot issue a bad check to any county in Texas. The District Attorney's office considers them to be a line of credit. The collection agency will try to scare you into believing that!

Can the loan company issue a criminal warrant for arrest for non-payment on a auto loan?

Warrants are issued by a judge, and not a loan company. The loan company can repossess an automobile or can sue in court to recover the vehicle or what is owed on it (plus costs). The police do not come and arrest people for not paying off a loan. Lastly, disagreements over payment issues regarding a car loan are civil matters, not criminal ones. Also please be aware that is illegal for an institution collecting debt to threaten arrest, or imprisonment. You can report this to the FTC (if they are under their regulatory authority) and state Attorney General.

Where can a person get short term loans til payday?

The best place to check for short term loans till payday would be the local bank one is a customer of. One should consider a personal talk with an employee to devise a strategy regarding this issue together.

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What states in the us will extradite to Massachusetts on a default warrant?

A default warrant is a criminal arrest warrant like any other, even if the original offense was minor, the default on the court appearance is a serious issue. Like for any other arrest warrant, all states will arrest you on it and contact Massachusetts (or whatever state issued the warrant) for extradition. You will need to work with a criminal attorney in Massachusetts to cure the default.

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A repo man can not issue a warrant for your arrest. Only a judge can issue an official arrest warrant.

Can a payday loan company issue a warrant for your arrest for defaulting on a loan?

No. Only the court (Judges) may issue a warrant for someone's arrest. No lender may have you arrested for not paying a loan, however, if you don't show up to court (or have legal representation at court), the judge may issue a bench warrant for your arrest (with the intention of getting you in front of the court, not to put you in jail). If the default, however, is subsequently believed to be a result of fraud, the judge may pass the particulars of the case to a prosecutor who will likely request a warrant for your arrest. In this case, the warrant is meant to hold you for trial in criminal court.

Can a police officer release you and later issue a warrant for your arrest?

No, a police officer cannot issue a warrant for your arrest only a judge or court magistrate can do that.

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A warrant will not be issued for your arrest for an unpaid parking ticket. If you have an unpaid speeding ticket, they may issue a warrant for your arrest.

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Otherwise that state will issue a warrant for your arrest for failure to appear or pay the fine.Otherwise that state will issue a warrant for your arrest for failure to appear or pay the fine.

Can a payday lender take out a Warrant for someones arrest in VA for unpaid loans?

No. Only a judge (or a representative of the court) may issue a warrant for someone's arrest. Unpaid loans eventually end up in civil court whereby the lender hopes for a judgment to be given in their favor (driving the borrower to pay the debt).

If you do not show up to court do you get no plea bargain?

If you do not show up to court, you may lose the opportunity to negotiate a plea bargain and the court may issue a warrant for your arrest. It is in your best interest to attend all court proceedings to address your case and explore potential options for resolution.

What can a court issue that deprives someone of his or her freedom?

an arrest warrant

Who can issue an arrest warrant in SC?

Depending on the charge specified in the warrant: A Justice of The Peace - a Magistrate or - a Judge.

Does the car dealer have the rights to issue an arrest warrant for a car repossession?

Car dealers cannot issue arrest warrants only judges can do that. If there is an arrest warrant then you have broken some kind of law and the dealer has petitioned a judge or filed criminal charges and the police or marshalls office will carry out the warrant.

What happens if defendant doesnt show for court?

In all probablity the judge will issue a warrant for his/her arrest.