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How many times can the loan be sold to other companys in a year

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Q: Can a lender sell your loan to another company?
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If you can't afford your auto loan but owe more than you can sell the car for is there any way to get out of it without having it reposessed?

Yes. Talk to the lender and tell them you want to sell the car, give them the proceeds from the sale, and take out another loan for the balance due. It can be a personnel loan or use something else as collateral. Do whatever you can to avoid having the car repossessed.

What lender will loan money to people with really bad credit?

A pawn shop will, because you must give them something to get the loan and if you fail to pay they will keep it and try to sell it.

Term describes the right of a lender to sell collateral to get back the principal if the borrower cannot repay the loan?

Lien is the term

If your loan is current and you turn the vehicle back in to the lender can it still be reported as a repo?

YES! A repo is a repo. If you turn the vehicle in to the lender and stop making payments this is called a voluntary repossession. The lender will sell the car and you will be responsible for the difference in what the car sells for and the balance on the loan. It will be reported to all 3 credit bureaus as a default on a loan, and your credit will be ruined for 7 years. You would however save to repo fees such as towing. Do not do this. Call the lender and work something out if possible.

What is the difference between a mortgage broker and mortgage lender?

A mortgage broker does not lend their own money on the day of closing. They serve as an intermediary between the borrower and the actual lender. They are being paid for their expertise in placing their client with the best lender, rate and fees for that particular loan scenario. Traditionally the broker does not underwrite and approve the loan application. Their job is to gather the necessary loan documents and submit them to the chosen lender for approval. The lending decision (and risk) is ultimately in the hands of the lender. A mortgage banker (lender) lends their money on the day of closing. They originate, process, underwrite, approve, close and fund the loan. Usually the lending decision is made by their own underwriter and the loan is funded in their name. Many mortgage bankers then sell the servicing of the loan to a third party after the closing. None of the conditions of the loan can change, just the name of the mortgage servicer.

Related questions

How do you get rid of a car once you have signed the contract and your apr is really high?

Sell it to someone else, and pay the difference in what you sell it for and the balance on the loan. Or you could try to refinance the car with another lender at a lower interest rate.Sell it to someone else, and pay the difference in what you sell it for and the balance on the loan. Or you could try to refinance the car with another lender at a lower interest rate.

Can a company sell a student loan to another company?

In the US, yes it happens quite often.

How can I sell a car that has a lien on it?

If you are selling the car for enough cash to pay off the balance on the loan it is simple. Simply take the buyer with you to the lender and pay off the loan. You will get a lien release that you then take with you and the buyer to your DMV and transfer the car over to the buyer. If you are not getting enough to pay off the loan, then you have 2 choices. Ask the lender to allow the buyer to take over the payments, or pay off the loan with money from another source. You cannot sell the car without a lien release from the lender, so you must talk to the lender.

Can you sale the car without the loan cosigner's permission?

If they are not on the Certificate of Title you can sell the car. However, generally, the Title is held by the lender until the loan is paid off. You cannot sell a car without the Certificate of Title.If they are not on the Certificate of Title you can sell the car. However, generally, the Title is held by the lender until the loan is paid off. You cannot sell a car without the Certificate of Title.If they are not on the Certificate of Title you can sell the car. However, generally, the Title is held by the lender until the loan is paid off. You cannot sell a car without the Certificate of Title.If they are not on the Certificate of Title you can sell the car. However, generally, the Title is held by the lender until the loan is paid off. You cannot sell a car without the Certificate of Title.

Can you sell your car if it is being used in a cross collateral loan?

No, it has a lien on it. You cannot sell it without permission from the lender.

What is meant by a mortgage?

A mortgage is a loan with your real estate as security for the loan. If you fail to make regular repayments of the loan the lender can take possession of the real estate and sell it to repay the loan.

Can your wife sell your car if she co-signed on the loan?

She can if she is listed on the Certificate of Title as an owner.However, generally, the Title is held by the lender until the loan is paid off. You cannot sell a car without the Certificate of Title.She can if she is listed on the Certificate of Title as an owner.However, generally, the Title is held by the lender until the loan is paid off. You cannot sell a car without the Certificate of Title.She can if she is listed on the Certificate of Title as an owner.However, generally, the Title is held by the lender until the loan is paid off. You cannot sell a car without the Certificate of Title.She can if she is listed on the Certificate of Title as an owner.However, generally, the Title is held by the lender until the loan is paid off. You cannot sell a car without the Certificate of Title.

How do i sell a wrecked car i still owe money on?

You cannot sell a car you have a loan on if the lender has a lien on the vehicle. You will need permission from the lien holder to sell the car. If the lender has no lien on the vehicle then you can sell it if you wish. The title will list any lien holder.

How does real estate foreclosure work?

Generally and briefly: You transfer your ownership of your property to a lender in exchange for a loan of money. If you pay off the loan the lender will release its interest in the property. If you don't pay off the loan and stop making payments the lender can take possession of the property and sell it to a new owner in order to get back its initial investment.

If you can't afford your auto loan but owe more than you can sell the car for is there any way to get out of it without having it reposessed?

Yes. Talk to the lender and tell them you want to sell the car, give them the proceeds from the sale, and take out another loan for the balance due. It can be a personnel loan or use something else as collateral. Do whatever you can to avoid having the car repossessed.

What lender will loan money to people with really bad credit?

A pawn shop will, because you must give them something to get the loan and if you fail to pay they will keep it and try to sell it.

Can a company legally refuse full past due payment plus repo fees after the car has been repossessed?

Yes, this is because the loan agreement was voided when you were late with one payment.The lender has decided to auction or sell the car even though you can bring the loan current,they can do this.