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They are probably raising it because your credit score is lower due the outstanding debt. This being said, a credit card company can pretty much raise your rate anytime they like just as they can lower it when your credit improves. I would simply close the account and pay it off. Usually when your credit card's rates go up, you have an option of accepting the rate or closing the account and keeping the lower rate on the balance previously accumalated.

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Q: Can a credit card company raise your APR because you have too much outstanding debt?
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How can you raise your credit score quick?

The fastest way to raise your credit score is to pay off all of your outstanding credit card debts and any non-collateralized personal loans. After two (2) months, the status of zero balances across many products will raise your credit score. Now, if your credit score is low because of missed payments, judgments, writeoffs, etc., doing the above will raise your score, but not to a level where you will find it easy to obtain new credit instruments.

How do you raise your credit score after paying a collection company?


Is Juniper a legitimate credit card company?

Yes, Juniper is a legitimate credit card company. Just be careful about the interest rate with them. If you are even 1 day late with your payment, they will raise your rate...and I mean raise it alot!

What are outstanding bonds?

A company issues bonds to raise money. When you buy a bond, you are lending the company money. The company promises to pay back your money some number of years into the future. They also pay you interest during the entire loan period. Outstanding bonds are bonds that the company has yet to fully pay back.

After you have spent your credit limit and then automatically repaid it does the credit card company raise your credit level again or is the card essentially defunct?

This question isn't very clear. As I understand the question-as long as the credit company doesn't tell you it is closing the acct, the acct. is open. Also, the cc comp doesn't have to raise your level. So to answer your question, neither.

Related questions

How can you raise your credit score quick?

The fastest way to raise your credit score is to pay off all of your outstanding credit card debts and any non-collateralized personal loans. After two (2) months, the status of zero balances across many products will raise your credit score. Now, if your credit score is low because of missed payments, judgments, writeoffs, etc., doing the above will raise your score, but not to a level where you will find it easy to obtain new credit instruments.

How do you raise your credit score after paying a collection company?


Is Juniper a legitimate credit card company?

Yes, Juniper is a legitimate credit card company. Just be careful about the interest rate with them. If you are even 1 day late with your payment, they will raise your rate...and I mean raise it alot!

Can a credit card company raise the rate on existing balances if you exercise your opt out option?

If it is allowed in your credit card contract.

What are outstanding bonds?

A company issues bonds to raise money. When you buy a bond, you are lending the company money. The company promises to pay back your money some number of years into the future. They also pay you interest during the entire loan period. Outstanding bonds are bonds that the company has yet to fully pay back.

After you have spent your credit limit and then automatically repaid it does the credit card company raise your credit level again or is the card essentially defunct?

This question isn't very clear. As I understand the question-as long as the credit company doesn't tell you it is closing the acct, the acct. is open. Also, the cc comp doesn't have to raise your level. So to answer your question, neither.

Can a credit card company raise it's apr for any reason?

Yes, read the fine print..

Can a credit card company raise your interest rate if you have never been late on a payment?

Unfortunately, yes.

How much would it raise your credit scores if you were added as an authorized user on a credit card?

If you are an authorized user of another persons credit it has no effect on your credit at all. It will not raise nor lower your score. The credit card company simple issues you a card with your name on it and then holds the person who holds the credit with them responsible for any charges you make.

Will grantsgov steal from me if i let them borrow 490 to raise my credit score?

Any place that asks for money to raise your credit score is a scam. Never give money to any website especially grantsgov.

If you open a new credit card how many points will your credit scorce raise?

when you open new credit card, your point actually drops, because they pull your credit report. it usally drops 11 points or so, depending on credit card company.. and your score will increase after your first payment is made. asian623

How to quickly raise credit scores?

To quickly raise your credit scores you should pay off your credit cards, or get a credit card if you don't already have one.