A credit card company can garnish you wages if they successfully sue for the owed funds in court. They cannot garnish wages before going through the court system.
In Indiana, a credit card company can only garnish wages if there has been a judgment against you. If they sued you, and you lost or did not show, and the Judge determined you owed, they can garnish you. They can not do it on their own.
Yes, after obtaining a judgment writ from the court.
A credit card company can garnish you wages if they successfully sue for the owed funds in court. They cannot garnish wages before going through the court system.
yes they can
In Indiana, a credit card company can only garnish wages if there has been a judgment against you. If they sued you, and you lost or did not show, and the Judge determined you owed, they can garnish you. They can not do it on their own.
Yes, after obtaining a judgment writ from the court.
Yes, but only after you are sued, lose and have a judgement against you.
No, all they can do is take you to court and try to get a ruling against you to garnish wages.
No, N.C. law does not allow wage garnishment when it pertains to credit card debt.
I believe that if a credit card company takes you to court and you or your representative (attorney) do not appear, a summary judgment can be issued against you and the court can order your wages garnished.