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NO!!!!!! The only way they can is by written permission or verbal permission..

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Q: Can a broker sell your stock without your permission?
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How do you sell The Walt Disney Company shares of stock without a broker.?

if u have a trading account u can sell or buy stock directly..

Can you sell stock without the certificate?

It is possible to sell a stock without the certificate. As of 2014, it is possible to buy a or sell a stock online due to electronic trading. Traders with an internet connection and a broker can make multiple trades in a day without the need of the stock certificates.

Where can I sell my sugar stock?

Through a stock broker.

What's the form that instructs your broker to buy or sell when a stock reaches a specified price?

Limit Order is the form that instructs your broker to buy or sell when a stock reaches a specified price.

Used by investors to buy and sell stocks without using a broker?

One method investors can use to buy and sell stocks is a direct stock purchase plan. This allows the investor to make transactions directly through the company without the aid of an agent or broker.

I have some stock I want to sell and need to know how to go about doing it without having to pay a lot.?

It would be best to get in touch with a stock broker. They do charge a fee though but they can take it out of the sale of the stock.

Difference between broker and jobbers?

The difference between a broker and jobbers is the role that they play in the buying and selling of stocks. A broker is hired by an investor to buy and sell stock for them. A jobber ensures that when the broker wants to buy or sell, that there is someone lined up for the broker to buy or sell from.

Who is a broker in stock market?

A broker is the person through whom we buy/sell stocks. For example your DEMAT Account provider can be considered your Broker.

Can you buy stock from the stock market?

You have to be a broker with a seat on the exchange to trade stocks on the stock exchange. You can get such a broker to buy and sell for you, but he will charge a commission. There are stocks that you can buy directly and other stocks that are not traded on the exchange and any broker can buy for you,

What is the role of a stock trading broker?

A stock trading broker's role is to buy and sell stocks and securities on behalf of someone else for a fee. A stock broker must have a professional designation depending on what securities they are selling and what services they provide their client.

Do you need a stock broker to sell your stocks?

No. If you have a trading account then you can use that to directly buy or sell stocks.

A form that instructs your broker to buy or sell a stock as you request?

Limit Order