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No. It is your account and the bank cannot move funds from one account to another without your approval or rather without you asking them for it.

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Q: Can a bank move your funds from one account to another without your permission?
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Is bank allowed to transfer funds from one account to pay overdraft on another?

Banks can transfer funds from one account to another with your permission. Many banks have this option available to you when you open your account/s. Check with your financial institution.

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You can make a deposit into anyones account whether you are on it or not, but you have to be on the account to make withdrawls and to switch funds around. It is not legal for anyone to take funds from your account unless authorized in writing or in person

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Can a bank go in your savings account and take money without your permission?

if your owing the back like you have an over withdrawn account yeah they can take what you owe to them out of any account you have with their bank Usually after several attempts to contact you/collect the funds the bank will exercise what is called the right of setoff. Which is a federal law saying that they can take funds out of any account that you are listed as an owner and collect for an overdrawn account.

What if you wrote a check without having the funds in account but by the time check cleared the funds were in the account?

If you wrote a check when you had no funds in your checking account but had funds by the time the check hit the bank, you are fine. Sometimes it can take a check three days to clear, but not always.

What is it called when you move money from 1 bank account to another and another?

Transfer funds

How kiting on cash done?

Kiting is when you write a check on an account without having funds. You receive cash without having the funds to back it up.

What is banking an example of?

Wiring funds from one account to another -APEX

Is Washington mutal a good bank?

No No NO !!!!!!!!!!!! I had an account with the WAMU robbbers and here are the results. Offset funds taken from another persons acount and placed into my account. I do not have two accounts with Wamu and yet I am getting free money from another person because of wamu I asked Wamuy what is an offset policy and how did they do this without my permission. If you know than please share No it is not a good bank. They are no longer in business. Chase now owns them. If they was a good bank, then they be able to stand on their own without a bailout

What are the risk's of depositing your money in someone's bank account?

Once you deposit your funds into another individuals bank account, those funds are no longer yours. You can not get your money back unless the owner of the account withdraws the funds and decides to give them to you. I recommend getting your own bank account.

What is ac h?

ACH is a form of payment. It stands for automated clearing house. It is when you give permission to a company to pull funds directly from your account.

Can you transfer funds from one bank to another?

Yes, through PayPal. Sign up for a free PayPal account and upload the funds from your bank. Add the other bank to your account and withdraw the uploaded funds to your other bank.