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Not in all states. Not in Texas or Florida

NOT TRUE! Federal Laws supercede state laws.I live in Florida and Sallie Mae garnished my wages

the answer is false...State laws supercede when it betters the people. In Pennsylvania Sallie Mae can not garnish wages. This fact. If you sign a letter at the time of signing the loan stating you let them garnish wage now that's different story.Still in PA if you sign a letter stating that they still can't.

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Q: Can Sallie Mae garnish wages
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Related questions

What is the percentage Sallie Mae can garnish from SS each month?

Sallie Mae can garnish 63% from SS each month.

What is the percentage sallie Mae can garnish from you per garnishment?

Up to 25% of your disposable income. Disposable income is gross - taxes.

What is the population of Sallie Mae?

Sallie Mae's population is 2,010.

When was Sallie Mae created?

Sallie Mae was created in 1972.

Can Sallie Mae garnish your wages in LA?

Yes, if you owe they take. I think you could be on the moon and they would find you. Get it cleared up because as long as you are not current there are things that will prevent you from getting other financial needs meet like buying a house.

How does Sallie Mae differ from Fannie Mae?

Sallie Mae is in the business of student loans while Fannie Mae is in the business of home loans.

Is Sallie Mae considered a federal loan?

Sallie Mae offers both federal and private loans.

I have a loan with Sallie Mae can you qualify for another loan with Sallie Mae?

Yes, you can have multiple loans from Sallie Mae. You must have adhered to the previous qualifications though, like gpa, payments on time and so on.

Where is sallie Mae's corporate office?

Washington.The founder was sallie Mae Guilford. To find out more go to type in The Untold Story Story Of Sallie Mae Guilford . One book tell the begaining and the other , (2) tell the finding of Sallie Mae Inc . Author Charles Lingo .

What is the origin of Mae in Fannie Mae and Sallie Mae?

Mae is a creative pronunciation for Mortage Association

What is ticker for sallie Mae?


Which students are eligible for Sallie Mae loans?

There are a lot of kinds of loans for students who are eligible for Sallie Mae loans. Some types of student loans at Sallie Mae are federal student loans, private loans, education investment planner.