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There are many online resources to help you with a foreclosure. I suggest you check out They have several forums available to discuss foreclosures along with asking and answering questions.

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Q: Can I get advice on my recent foreclosure?
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How does foreclosure impact my credit score?

Foreclosure can have a drastic effect on your credit score. Your credit rating decreases with missed payments on your home, as well as other bills. In addition, the foreclosure itself can lower your score by over 100 points. In addition, a foreclosure can stay on your record for seven to ten years. Forclosure can and will have a very negative impact on your credit score. This is an unfortunate by product of the recent economic crisis.

What will they do if you take appliances from a foreclosure?

Appliances ar not typically considered part of the home. It is not uncommon for those who lose a home to foreclosure to take everything that is not attached to the home. In many cases, recent home improvements, such as floors, doors, windows, lighting and plumbing fixtures are taken as well.

How much should you charge for a foreclosure clean out?

Lawyers don't do foreclosure cleanups. Make sure your state laws don't require you to store items belonging to the mortgagor. The cleanup charges will depend on how much cleaning up is required and how many items of usable personal property you find that can be sold. Don't trust foreclosure attorneys for legal advice. Their duty is to the bank or mortgage holder, not to you.

Can a lien lead to foreclosure?

Check this post, it talks about liens and foreclosure.

What is the best recommended foreclosure website?

There are agencies who can help you to stop foreclosure. I have saved my house from foreclosure and if you have a foreclosure property then those agencies will buy it at a great price. For foreclosure guide you can visit you will get stop foreclosure guide by 2brothers real estate

Related questions

What is foreclosure help?

Foreclosure help is advice and help you can get from an organization or service that will help you through a foreclosure or help you stop a foreclosure. Foreclosure Help and Hope is an organization that can help.

Where can one get help to stop a foreclosure?

If one is threatened with a foreclosure and threatened with eviction from one's house, visit Citizens Advice. They may be able to suggest ways of avoiding the foreclosure.

Why am I being sued after foreclosure?

If it sold for less than you owe on the mortgage and costs associated with the foreclosure, you can be held responsible in some states for the balance. You might consider seeking advice from an attorney who works with homeowners who face foreclosure.

What is a dismissal without prejudice pertaining to foreclosure in NC?

This means that the judge dismissed the foreclosure proceedings, but the bank can present the case again. You should get advice from a lawyer about your next steps.

Where can I find an online site to help me prevent a bank foreclosure on my home?

The best place to go for advice on this issue is the official government website Here you can find all the information you need to avoid this.

Where may you obtain a 'Deed in Lieu of Foreclosure'?

A deed in lieu of foreclosure is a deed to real property accepted by the lender from a borrower who is in default. It is accepted in order to avoid the expense of a foreclosure. If you are in default you would need to negotiate with your lender to see if they would accept a deed in lieu of foreclosure from you. There may be other consequences of a deed in lieu so you should seek the advice of an attorney if you are in default and contemplating your options. There may be a community service available for foreclosure counseling in your area.

How does foreclosure impact my credit score?

Foreclosure can have a drastic effect on your credit score. Your credit rating decreases with missed payments on your home, as well as other bills. In addition, the foreclosure itself can lower your score by over 100 points. In addition, a foreclosure can stay on your record for seven to ten years. Forclosure can and will have a very negative impact on your credit score. This is an unfortunate by product of the recent economic crisis.

To whom would one go for advice regarding a home foreclosure?

In the United States, there are government programs in place to help homeowners avoid foreclosure on their home. Some of these programs can help to lower monthly mortgage payments and interest rates. The USA Government website is an excellent source of information for someone facing foreclosure.

I am about to go into foreclosure. Where online can I seek mortgage advice?

A great website available when facing foreclosure is You might also want to try you personal banking website or

How do you stop or postpone foreclosure?

There are several ways to stop foreclosure. Following are the most common ways: 1- Apply for a home loan modification 2- Sell your home using the short sale process 3- File Bankruptcy 4- File an emergency bankruptcy 5- Hire a company to legally stop and postopne the foreclosure sale by challenging the trustee about the legitimacy of the foreclosure process. Ulitmately, always seek the advice of an attorney, credit, and tax professional before you decide what avenue to take to avoid foreclosure.

Foreclosure after discharge with no reaffirmation?

A foreclosure proceeding that missed a recorded discharge of the mortgage may be defective. In certain states and depending on the level of the defect- the foreclosure may need to be done over from scratch. In that case you may find some assistance that was not available before pursuant to new consumer protection provisions relating to foreclosures. You would need to seek the advice of an attorney in your state who is familiar with the current foreclosure laws and bankruptcy law.

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