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Yes they can but only UNTIL you put it in writing to stop the harassing collection calls. This is all done by using the federal law, the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act with a DO NOT CALL letter. (Request in writing to stop calling, send it Certified Mail, RRR. It is your right as a consumer to not have these collection calls to your: place of business, home or cellular phone. (Some original creditors are now stating that they do not have to abide by this law, but even still, there are state laws that govern harassment calls. So check your state's guidelines on this).

Look up this law (it is short and easy reading), get educated on your rights and stop the harassing collection calls.

To take it a little further.... if you are getting these calls, then it may mean that you owe some old debts. There is a "timeline" of when the creditor will proceed to collect or send this debt to an outside collection agency/attorney. In most cases, credit card companies such as B of A here, will try to collect for approximately 6 months, then if they can't collect from you, then they will send it to an outside collection agency. Then more phone calls will come in and more scary letters! Send them a DVL (Debt Validation Letter) to: stop them from calling; stop them from putting the negative mark on your credit reports again (even if the original creditor already has one negative mark); and also have them validate the debt - if they cannot do this, they certainly cannot collect. This process will also buy you more time to negotiate or settle out your debt for approximately 20% to 30% of your overall debt. Yes! You CAN settle out credit card debt by law (totally legal) and save 70% to 80%.

Research this info further or contact me for free advice. 25 years experience, straight honest answers, all legal and no BS.

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