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Since his debt is tied to his assets (which you both share), his debt is your debt unless a court rules that it is not. Creditors can file a claim on his assets or life insurance (if he dies) to pay the debt so it does make you indirectly responsible for his debts. In the case of a divorce, the debts will be split up accordingly and when it is finalized, his debts are no longer your responsibility.

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Q: Are you liable for any of your spouse's debt?
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The only people liable for a debt are the ones who agreed to pay it, the original signers of the loan documents. Of course in the event of a death there could be a claim filed against the estate.

Can a spouses wages be garnished for the others debt Utah?

In some instances, yes they can. Is the spouse listed on the debt? An example would be a joint loan or credit card. If so, that makes the spouse legally liable for the debt. If not, then no, the wages cannot be garnished because the spouse is not legally liable for the debt.

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In South Carolina, spouses are generally not responsible for debts that are solely in the other spouse's name. However, if the debt was incurred for household necessities or was jointly agreed upon, both spouses may be held liable. Consulting with a legal professional for guidance on your specific situation is recommended.

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Yes It is very important to insure it is set out in any separation who is responsible for what debt. If it is not you can end up paying and have no recourse back to your former spouse. Took me 2 years to pay off that lesson.

Are you liable for unsecured debt if you die in Florida?

A dead person in any state is not liable for debt. The deceased's estate is responsible for the debts to the extent there are assets in the estate to pay them.

What debit am i liable for when Married in community of prop and husband deceased?

The only debt you're liable for - is anything in joint names. Any debt solely in his name died with him.

Can a disabled ex spouse be responsible for debt which occurred during their marriage?

Being disabled has nothing to do with debt liability. If both spouses signed the contract, then both are liable. Also, there may be different debt liability in a community property state. You need to be more specific. State laws vary.

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i have 1099c 2- amount of debt canseled 5- if checked, the debtor was personally liable for repament of the debt (x) 7- fair market value of property that mean that i suppose to pay any amount?

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Would my mother's children be liable for any credit card debt she had at the time of her death?

Your mother's estate is responsible for her credit card debt.

Are you liable for debt cancelled in bankruptcy?

No you are not, If you deglared bankruptcy, that cancels your debt

In Arizona are you responsible for your husband's credit card debt if you are not on the accounts?

Arizona is a community property state, in general all assets and debts belong to both spouses. It is possible to use the innocent spouse defense if it can be proved that the person did not have any connection whatsoever to the debt(s). If a spouse used even one credit card, they will probabaly be held liable for all the debts.