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Tax exempt money market funds are available to purchase at any time. The funds that one may accrue by investing in such a fund should also be available to 'cash out' at any time. One would need to consult a professional to find out the specifics of any funds pros and cons.

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Q: Are tax exempt money market funds available at any time?
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What are tax-exempt money market funds?

Tax-exempt money market funds invest in municipal securities with short maturities

What types of functions are available at american funds?

American Funds offer a wide array of mutual funds. They offer growth funds, growth-and-income funds, equity-income funds, balanced funds, bond funds, tax-exempt bond funds, money market funds, and target date funds.

How many money market funds were there in the late 1990s?

In the late 1990s, nearly 1,000 money market funds were available to investors

What is the purpose of fidelity money market funds?

The purpose of a Fidelity money market fund is to generate revenue. The funds in a Fidelity money market fund are not guaranteed or insured. It is a type of fund that is very liquid, money is usually available by the next day.

Is a money market fund risky?

No, the money market funds are not risky as compared to the equity funds. They are just debt funds. In the money market the volatility is much less than in the equity market, that is why it is not risky.

Where could one find information about a money market fund?

Information about money market funds is available through the Security and Exchange Commission. Investment firms will also be able to provide information about money market funds either by contacting and requesting information or visiting a firm's website.

Where can one obtain advice about tax free money market funds?

Financial advice is readily available online. If one wanted to get some advice on tax free money market funds, one can start by going to one's bank and sitting down with an investment adviser who can guide them through tax free money market funds.

What has the author Barnard Seligman written?

Barnard Seligman has written: 'Money market funds' -- subject(s): Money market funds

How are the top rated money market funds determined?

Top rated money market funds are determined by how they have performed over the last 10-20 years in the market. They are rated according to how much the company charges to administrate the fund as well as the volatility of the fund, or how mucc fluctuation in profits have been recorded over the history of the money market fund. And finally the money market funds are rated against other money market funds in all these categories to determine the top rated funds.

Are Money Market Funds insured by the FDIC?


Money market funds?

Money market funds are funds that invest in money market instruments. Also known as principal stability funds, seek to limit exposure to losses due to credit, market and liquidity risks They invest in the highest quality debt products thereby minimizing chances of losses. They would not invest more than 5% in the same debt issuer to ensure that there is minimal chances of losses. There are two types of Money market funds. They are: * Institutional money fund & * Retail money fund

What is the denotation of a money market fund?

A money market fund pay dividends that reflect short-term interest rates. Money market funds have relatively low risks compared to other mutual funds.