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In most cases a waiver has to be signed that states the spouse will not be responsible. This is especially true for credit cards. If you have signed a statement in contract that states in case of death... it depends on what it states; responsible or not responsible, again it is all in the fine print. There may be a waiver on a loan if the spouse had no knowledge of said loan if loan was signed into being prior to a wedding date.

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Q: Are spouses responsible for employee loans after their death?
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Federally Guaranteed student loans are linked to the borrower by their social security number. Only the person listed on the loan by SS# is obligated to repay the loan, not spouses, parents, children, or anyone else.

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They are not responsible, but they will consider the spouses income as part of your ability to pay and determine your monthly payments (if on some kind of repayment program) according to your total family income.

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If the her is your wife you are responsible for school loans and any other loans as well.

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Normally a surviving wife will inherit both the assets and liabilities of her husband, including bank loans. Marriage is an economic partnership.

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Only if you have proof beyond the shadow of a doubt that they lied and the broker was an employee and not a subcontractor.

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The parent's estate is responsible for the loans. If there are no cash assets to pay the loans the lenders will take the property such as real estate or a vehicle.

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There are two levels of government responsible for regulating payday loans. These forms of loans are regulated by the federal and state levels of government.

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The estate is responsible for the debts of the deceased. The creditors should be notified of the death but they are out of luck is there are no assets.

Is a wife responsible for a husband's student loans in a divorce in PA?

no she cant be because she did not take out the loans out

How do I protect myself from paying brother's debts after death?

You will never be responsible for his debts unless you co-signed on loans or debts. If you are the executor of his estate, then you must pay his debts out of the estate.

Do kids have to pay federal student loans when a parent dies?

If a parent were to obtain a federal school loan for their child and the pass away , the child would not be responsible for paying it back. The loan would be discharged due to death discharge. A death certificate would have to be shown to prove death of the borrower.

Can you talk down personal loans after death?

No. People cannot talk about anything after death.