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Discharging debts depends upon the petition of bankruptcy and the chapter under which the bankruptcy has been filed. For the debt to be discharged it needs to fully settled after which you may be able to free from the burden. The bankruptcy attorney will guide you about the debts and after analyzing the situation will choose the chapter of bankruptcy under the United States Section.

Debts discharge will only takes place if you file in chapter 13, where you plan a schedule to repay every debt you have on your name. On the Other hand, Chapter 7 has many exceptions like student loan, alimony, child support, fines and fees under law, debts acquired through fraud, un paid taxes or if you have received a debt discharge within last 9 years.

The debts which can be discharged:

  • Unsecured loans are usually discharged.
  • Debts of willful and malicious injury
  • Non-dischargeable tax obligations.
  • Debts from property settlement in an event of separation.

Those who think that their personal debt liability will get the discharge under chapter 7 should consult their attorney to find out how and when all the debts will be discharged. In case you cannot pay back the loan due to undue circumstances you can file under 'undue hardships' and you may get a discharge. Though it is the sole discretion of the court to discharge the debt or not.

Also, those debts which you have acquired using means of fraud are not easily discharged from the court if you filed chapter 7 of bankruptcy. Under chapter 13, you have to clear all the funds, and then you will get the discharge. The process of discharge or the decision over discharged debts can be invalidated if the creditor, or trustee of the court sees any wrongful document or fraud with the bank, the discharge may even be cancelled.

Personal debt liability is cleared off in bankruptcy in all the chapters of bankruptcy, only the way is different. Chapter 7 liquidates and the court pays to the creditors while in chapter 13, and 1, you won't get the discharge till you pay and settle with the creditor. Any loan or debt which is not mentioned in the bankruptcy petition will not be discharged by the court. All your credit cards and liens are eliminated if you are filing under a specified chapter.

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Q: Are All Kinds of Bankruptcy Debts Be Discharged?
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Which bankruptcy is known as a liquidation of all assets and allows the individual filing to be forgiven of the remaining debts?

Chapter 7 is liquidation. All non-exempt assets must be given to the trustee to be sold at auction. All debts that can be discharged will be discharged. Some debts, like student loans and child support arrears, cannot (as yet) be discharged, absent unusual circumstances.

Does a perkins loan get forgiven in a bankruptcy?

List all of your loans and debts. They are all covered in your bankruptcy.

What are the differences between bankruptcy options?

Bankruptcy is a federal court process. It is designed to help consumers and businesses eliminate debt or repay debts under the protection of the bankruptcy court. There are two categories of bankruptcy, "liquidation" or "reorganization":Liquidation bankruptcy (or Chapter 7) - a consumer or business asks the court to discharge the debts owed (some debts cannot be discharged). In exchange, the business's assets or the consumer's property is sold (liquidated) and the proceeds are used to pay off the creditors.Reorganization bankruptcy (chapter 13) - involves filing a plan with the bankruptcy court suggesting how you will repay your debt. Some debts must be repaid in full while others require only a percentage or nothing at all.

What if the debt is incurred after the bankruptcy filing but before the bankruptcy discharge?

When an individual files for bankruptcy, he/she must list down all the creditors and debts that they have. If the bankruptcy has already been filed and the individual has incurred new debt but has not yet been discharged by bankruptcy, that new debt is not included in the bankruptcy discharge. For an official opinion, it is advised you seek legal counsel. It is really important to seek legal advice from the expert about filing for bankruptcy.

Can you file bankruptcy on property taxes?

ALL your property (all your assets) AND all your liabilities are do not pick and chose. You cannot go BK on a speci Save fc debt.They are given different priorities, some debts may not be discharged (like child support), and some assets (like household goods, work tools), may not be used. Secured debts. (and property taxes are secured to the property being taxed), get first claim to the proceeds from that asset.AnswerReal estate taxes cannot always be discharged in bankruptcy. Determining whether they can be discharged requires some investigation by an attorney who specializes in bankruptcy law. A secured debt for property taxes would be perfected by the recording of a tax lien in the land records.

Related questions

What does it mean for a bankruptcy to be discharged?

You may be referring to the discharge of debts in bankruptcy. Not all debts can be discharged. Most discharged debts are partially discharged in Chapter 11 and Chapter 13 actions. Debts or the portions thereof that are discharged no longer exist at law and creditors no longer can attempt collection. It is a "fresh start". You attorney can advise you as to which debts are likely to be discharged, which ones reorganized, and which debts will likely not be discharged.

Can priority debts be included in bankruptcy?

You don't have a choice, ALL debts must be included in your bankruptcy petition. Oh, also, priority debts cant be discharged in a bankruptcy.

Are all debts automatically discharge in chapter 7 bankruptcy for a bankruptcy that occurred in 1988?

If a debt was listed on a Bankruptcy that you filed and the Bankruptcy went through then that debt is permanently discharged with a Chapter 7.

Can you file chapter 13 on a land contract?

A bankruptcy (either 13 or 7) is filed by a person and is to include ALL debts, not a particular contract. You should speak with a bankruptcy lawyer to find out if you qualify and what debts would be discharged or reorganized under a bankruptcy.

What does a bankrupt discharge?

The chapter 7 discharge order eliminates a debtor's legal obligation to pay a debt that is discharged. Most, but not all, types of debts are discharged if the debt existed on the date the bankruptcy case was filed. (If this case was begun under a different chapter of the Bankruptcy Code and converted to chapter 7, the discharge applies to debts owed when the bankruptcy case was converted.) Some of the common types of debts which are not discharged in a chapter 7 bankruptcy case are: a. Debts for most taxes; b. Debts that are in the nature of alimony, maintenance, or support; c. Debts for most student loans; d. Debts for most fines, penalties, forfeitures, or criminal restitution obligations; e. Debts for personal injuries or death caused by the debtor's operation of a motor vehicle while intoxicated; f. Some debts which were not properly listed by the debtor; g. Debts that the bankruptcy court specifically has decided or will decide in this bankruptcy case are not discharged; j. Debts for which the debtor has given up the discharge protections by signing a reaffirmation agreement in compliance with the Bankruptcy Code requirements for reaffirmation of debts.

Which bankruptcy is known as a liquidation of all assets and allows the individual filing to be forgiven of the remaining debts?

Chapter 7 is liquidation. All non-exempt assets must be given to the trustee to be sold at auction. All debts that can be discharged will be discharged. Some debts, like student loans and child support arrears, cannot (as yet) be discharged, absent unusual circumstances.

Can you include IRS debts if you file bankruptcy in the state of IL?

Yes. They must be included. All debts and all assets must be included. IRS income tax debts can only be discharged, however, if the amount of tax due was determined 3 years prior to filing the bankruptcy.

Is bankruptcy discharged after all the debts are settled?

The discharge is, as general rule official sixty days after the date of the creditor (341) meeting.

Can you put an eviction in a bankruptcy?

No. Bankruptcy doesn't erase anything from your credit. In fact, it adds a very, very, bad thing to it.

What happens when a chapter 7 bankruptcy is discharged?

The discharge prohibits any attempt to collect from the debtor a debt that has been discharged. For example, a creditor is not permitted to contact a debtor by mail, phone, or otherwise, to file or continue a lawsuit, to attach wages or other property, or to take any other action to collect a discharged debt from the debtor. There are also special rules that protect certain community property owned by the debtor's spouse, even if that spouse did not file a bankruptcy case. A creditor who violates this order can be required to pay damages and attorney's fees to the debtor. However, a creditor may have the right to enforce a valid lien, such as a mortgage or security interest, against the debtor's property after the bankruptcy, if that lien was not avoided or eliminated in the bankruptcy case. Also, a debtor may voluntarily pay any debt that has been discharged. The chapter 7 discharge order eliminates a debtor's legal obligation to pay a debt that is discharged. Most, but not all, types of debts are discharged if the debt existed on the date the bankruptcy case was filed. Some of the common types of debts which are not discharged in a chapter 7 bankruptcy case are: a. Debts for most taxes; b. Debts that are in the nature of alimony, maintenance, or support; c. Debts for most student loans; d. Debts for most fines, penalties, forfeitures, or criminal restitution obligations; e. Debts for personal injuries or death caused by the debtor's operation of a motor vehicle while intoxicated; f. Some debts which were not properly listed by the debtor; g. Debts that the bankruptcy court specifically has decided or will decide in this bankruptcy case are not discharged; h. Debts for which the debtor has given up the discharge protections by signing a reaffirmation agreement in compliance with the Bankruptcy Code requirements for reaffirmation of debts.

Bankruptcy does it eliminate all bills?

You probably mean debts, not bills. All debts incurred prior to filing AND all assets are reported and used in the BK. Nothing is excluded and all are given priorities by law. Secured debts may have first call on the money received by the asset they are secured by. Assets are used to pay debts. Excess debts may be discharged. Not all assets are used and not all debts aere able to be discharged - generally things like personal/home items, work tools, a reasonable car, etc are not used and debts like child support, court ordered restitution, are not able to be discharged.

Debts that can never be discharged?

There are certain debts that can never be discharged under any type of bankruptcy. This should be a factor in your decision because the debts will not go away and they will continue to collect interest even during your bankruptcy. Some examples of nondischargeable debts include: * All debts not listed in the bankruptcy petition * Student loans - unless undue hardship to repay* Taxes - Federal, state, and municipal* Fines for violating the law: including criminal fines and traffic tickets* Alimony and child support* Debts for personal injury caused by driving while intoxicatedSee the related link