so I put a ad on Craigslist saying I'm looking for a job. this guy buy the name of Steven Brett offered me a job posting ads on craigslist. I'm posting houses available to rent. He said the pay is going to be 250 a week and thinking it is too good to be true I googled posting ad on craigslist scam. I told him i didn't want to do it anymore after he sent me the housing ads he wanted me to post and they actually look legit. he wants me to use my CL account but he didn't want the people to reply to my email, he gave me an email for them to reply to. He told me he works for stone and browning property managment and they use CL as a medium. Am I being scammed cause none of the scams i read about arent like this.
No. If you are asking this, you're quite probably being scammed.
You'll have to sue who scammed you after they are proved guilty and no one knows where?oh i can tell u on here go to report abuse and right a note
Yes by a boiler room scam
Mortgage scams can include property flipping, occupancy fraud, and the straw buyer scam. The best way to be sure you're not being scammed is to check to see if everything is not "too good to be true".
No this company is a rip off. I know because unfortunately they scammed me. :-(
No. you can open a dispute with the seller that scammed you though
There are many people that are likely to have been scammed by QuiBids. This can depend on the perception, and the person that is speaking of being scammed, however.
That is where a corporation is scamming, or being scammed.
Either you are being scammed or you need to put your kids into a different school where the teachers are better informed about Church history and tradition.
You can buy it back or hack but you souldnt do that
Write him a letter and put it in the mailbox.
If they ask you for money or your bank account information.
I don't think he is married to Why People is being scammed out of money because of his name being used to scam on all the internet.
Feeling like you're being scammed is quite different from evidence, proof of being scammed. You have a legal case when/if you can produce viable evidence that you are paying for a service that you are not receiving, in the case of a property management company.
if u get scammed, there isn't much you can do about it if he/she blocked you, i have been scammed before. You can try to find and report her but that's it
Use common sense. Ask yourself, what is in it for the other person? If its too good to be true, then it's not true. Be skeptical of who you hand your money over too. If you suspect that you are being scammed, you probably are!