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Q: A bank has Rs 5 million in cash The minimum reserve ratio is 20 What is maximum potential increase in total deposits?
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What would one million dollars from 1977 be worth today?

If you are talking about cash (US dollar bills) worth 1 million dollars from 1977, they would still be worth the same 1 million dollars today and would remain to be worth the same 1 million dollars a hundred years from now. If you are talking about investments like bank deposits or shares or bonds etc., then the value would have varied depending on the rate of returns of the instrument in which the money was deposited.

How much does The William Carter Company make?

The company's estimated revenues for 1998 were $408.2 million, an increase of 12.5 percent over 1997.

How does a stock buy back work?

The board of directors for a company will announce that they have decided to buy back their own shares from the current outstanding shares and then retiring those shares. A Company may do this for several reasons but the main reason is to increase the value of the stock price for the share holders. If a company has 10 million outstanding shares and a current stock price of $5/share (keep in mind the market cap would be $50 million). The company announces that the board has authorized the repurchase of 5 million shares. Then the company will typically buy those shares back throughout the year(or whatever time frame) reducing the outstanding shares to 5 million from the initial 10 million. Let's say that miraculously the company was able to purchase all 5 million shares at $5/share. So they spend $50 million buying back the stock. If I was wealthy shareholder and own 1 million shares of the company then before the buyback I owned 10%(my shares / total outstanding shares....1 milliion/10million) of the company. After the buyback there are now 5 million shares so I own 20% (1 million / 5 million) of the company. If the stock remains at $10/share after the buyback then the the market cap is now 25 million, but if shareholders thought the value of company was worth 50 million before the only thing that has changed after the buyback is the number of outstanding shares. So that means the price should increase to make the market cap go back up. So the idea is when a company buys back stock they increase the value of each share to the shareholder by increasing their ownership in the company. In our case the price of the stock should now be $10/share making the market cap 50 million again ($10/share x 5 million shares = $50 million). So buybacks are an alternative to dividends as a method for a company to return value to the shareholders.

How much money was Madam C.J. Walkers business worth?

When she died in 1919, the value of her company was estimated to have been worth about $2 million, based on current sales that year and sales potential. That would be about $20 million in today's dollars. Source: On Her Own Ground: The Life and Times of Madam C. J. Walker by A'Lelia Bundles

One million plus one million?

two million

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What information would you need to determine whether a particular business is small according to SBA guidelines?

The SBA's guidelines for smallness are as follows: a. Manufacturing: maximum number of employees: 500 b. Wholesale trade: maximum number of employees: 100 c. Agriculture: maximum annual receipts of up to $750,000 d. Retailing: maximum annual sales or receipts of $7 million e. General construction: maximum average annual receipts of $33.5 million f. Dredging: maximum average annual receipts of $20 million g. Special trade construction: maximum average annual sales of up to $14 million h. Travel agencies: maximum average annual receipts of $3.5 million i. Business and personal services: maximum annual receipts of up to $7 million, except for architectural, engineering, surveying, mapping, dry cleaning, and carpet cleaning: up to $4.5 million

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