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Yes, names of literary theories such as Marxism and Feminism are typically capitalized when used in literary criticism.

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Q: Would you capitalize the name of literary theory in a literary criticism such add Marxism or feminism?
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A feminist might say that Marxism doesn’t give sufficient attention to the role of women in capitalism or to the conditions for the liberation of women. This may well be correct about Marx’s own writings, but it is perfectly possible to combine Marxism with non-reformist versions of feminism.

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Marxism is a method and worldview of societal analysis. It focuses on societal conflict and class relations. Marxist feminism says that the root of women's oppression is private property because it gives rise to inequality.

What are some similarities and differences between the New Right and Feminists?

The dominant form of third wave feminism is called intersectional feminism and is based upon a form of cultural Marxism. Rather than being solely focussed on the idea of class struggle like Marxism, intersectional feminism refers to concepts such as gender struggle (where men are asserted to be a privileged oppressor class and women are asserted to be a marginalised oppressed class) or race struggle (where white people are asserted to be the privileged oppressors and non-white people are asserted to be the marginalised oppressed) with similar dynamics between heterosexual & non-heterosexual people and between cis gendered & transgendered people.

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List of words with the suffix ism?

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What are the short stories under marxist literary criticism?

Some short stories that are commonly analyzed under Marxist literary criticism include "The Lottery" by Shirley Jackson, "Harrison Bergeron" by Kurt Vonnegut, and "The Yellow Wallpaper" by Charlotte Perkins Gilman. These stories are often interpreted through a Marxist lens to explore themes of class struggle, inequality, and social power dynamics.

What is the difference between Marxism and Feminism?

Radical feminism is when feminists tend to look at the family in a more critical and negative way. They argue that men benefit more from family life than women. They have conducted much research into housework and childcare, and argue that men do very little compared to women. They often see marriage as a type of a prison for a woman, and claim that men may use violence against women if they do not get their own way. Radical feminism supports family diversity, especially single-parent and gay famillies and dissagree with functionalists and the New Right that the nuclear family is always the best family type. When on the other hand there is Marxist feminism which is quite different from Radical. Marxist feminists also look at the family in a negative way but they argue that the main cause of women's oppression is not patriarchy but capitalism - the economic system that exists in most countries in the world. Under capitalism those who own the factories, businesses and offices - the capitalists or upper class - exploit those who have to work for them - the proletariat or working class.

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Marxism is a political, economic and social philosophy that primarily seeks to understand how society works and how to change it. Neo-Marxism is a term sometimes used to refer to some of the different strains of Marxism that developed in the 20th century. Strains such as structural Marxism and Western Marxism.