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because they were loyal

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Romeo's servant will bring cords to the Nurse as a way for Romeo to climb up to Juliet's balcony to meet her. This is part of Romeo's plan to secretly see Juliet without anyone knowing.

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Q: Why will romeos servant bring cords to the nurse?
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In romeo and Juliet the nurse was told to wait behind the abbey wall for a servant to bring her some what?

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The nurse admires Romeo's good looks, wit, and sincerity. She believes he genuinely cares for Juliet and is a better match for her than Paris.

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First, Romeo instructs the nurse to tell Juliet to make some excuse to go to confession that afternoon with Friar Lawrence. Instead of saying confession, however, she will marry Romeo instead. Second, he instructs the nurse to wait behind the abbey wall while they are married and then to take a rope ladder from Romeo's servant that Romeo will use to sneak into Juliet's room that night so he can consummate the marriage.

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Romeo's friends mistake the Nurse for a witch because of her gruff demeanor and appearance. They mock her because of the age difference between her and Juliet, which they find amusing.

When the nurse returns with Romeos message she does what?

The nurse returns with Romeo's message and delivers it to Juliet, updating her on their plan to be married. She also gives Juliet instructions on how to meet Romeo later that night.