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She was beating up Walter because he got her off to a bad start on her first day of school and with her new teacher, Miss Caroline Fisher.

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βˆ™ 5mo ago

Scout beat up Walter Cunningham in the schoolyard because he made her feel embarrassed by telling the teacher about her father's work defending Tom Robinson. Scout felt protective of her father and didn't want him to be judged based on his job.

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Q: Why was Scout beating up Walter Cunningham in the schoolyard in To Kill a Mockingbird?
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Why was scout beating up Walter Cunningham in the schoolyard in chapter 3?


What did Walter Cunningham drown his dinner in in To Kill a Mockingbird?

Maple Syrup.

Who played Walter Cunningham Jr in the 1962 movie To Kill a Mockingbird?

Actor Collin Wilcox portrayed Walter Cunningham Jr in the 1962 movie To Kill a Mockingbird.

What page in the book to kill a mockingbird scout is bullying?

Scout Finch does not actively participate in bullying in the book "To Kill a Mockingbird." There are instances where she stands up to others who are being bullied, such as her defense of Walter Cunningham Jr. in the schoolyard. Scout herself experiences bullying from other children but does not engage in it herself.

Who is walter in To Kill a Mockingbird?

There are two Walter Cunninghams in 'To Kill a Mockingbird'. The first, Walter Cunningham, Sr., is one of the men in the mob who tries to kill Tom Robinson and hurt Atticus Finch. The second, Walter Cunningham, Jr., is the son of Walter Cunningham, Sr. who gets Scout in trouble on the first day of school.Walter Cunningham Sr. A client of Atticus Finch, a farmer, and part of the mob that threatened to hang Tom Robinson. Walter Cunningham Jr. Son of Walter Sr and a classmate of Scout's.

What is aunt alexandras decision about Walter Cunningham What is her reasoning?

In To Kill a Mockingbird, Aunt Alexandra says that Walter Cunningham, Jr., cannot come over because he is trash.

Is walter Cunningham Atticus Finch's cousin in to kill a mockingbird?

No, Walter Cunningham is not related to Atticus Finch in "To Kill a Mockingbird." Walter Cunningham is a classmate of Scout Finch in the novel, and his father is a poor farmer who is involved in a significant part of the story. Atticus Finch is Scout's father and a lawyer who defends Tom Robinson in a racially charged trial.

What is the guy's name that scout gets into a fight with at school in to kill a mockingbird?

Walter Cunningham

What important quote did Walter Cunningham Sr say in To kill a mockingbird?

Walter Cunningham is prejudice and thinks that Tom Robinson should be lynched.

Who is Mr Walter Cunningham in To Kill a Mockingbird?

Mr. Walter Cunningham is a poor farmer in Maycomb and the father of Walter Cunningham Jr., Scout's classmate. He's known for being hardworking and honest, though he struggles financially. He plays a significant role in the novel during the courthouse scene where he demonstrates the power of empathy and understanding over prejudice.

When did Walter Cunningham become embarrassed at the Finch house in to kill a mockingbird?

When he came over for dinner.

What did scout do to Walter Cunningham to kill mockingbird?

In "To Kill a Mockingbird," Scout diffused a potentially violent situation by talking to Walter Cunningham and reminding him of their connection and shared experiences, ultimately appealing to his humanity. By treating Walter with kindness and empathy, Scout was able to break the tension and prevent any harm from coming to her father, Atticus.