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Gulliver was tied up by the Lilliputians as a means of controlling him and preventing him from escaping. The Lilliputians were fearful of Gulliver's size and strength, so they used ropes to limit his movements and keep him under their control.

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Q: Why was Gulliver tied up?
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Related questions

Who was tied up by minature people?

Gulliver was tied up by miniature people called Lilliputians in Jonathan Swift's novel "Gulliver's Travels."

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What did gulliver do to those people who tried to shoot arrows at him?

Gulliver tied up those who tried to shoot arrows at him and threatened to crush them under his foot if they did not surrender.

How does Gulliver end up stranded in Lilliput in Jonathan Swift and Gulliver and Travels?

Gulliver ends up stranded in Lilliput after his ship wrecks during a storm. He awakens to find himself tied down by the tiny Lilliputians who capture him and make him a prisoner on their island.

What did the lilliputants find of Gulliver?

The Lilliputians find Gulliver unconscious on the beach, tied up with rope. They are fascinated by his enormous size and appearance compared to them. They eventually bring him to their city to learn more about him.

What does gulliver discover immediately when he awakens in Lilliput?

When Gulliver awakens in Lilliput, he discovers that he is surrounded by a population of tiny people, about six inches tall, and that he is bound to the ground with numerous ropes and stakes.

Why did the ships not move when gulliver laliput pulled them?

The ships did not move when Gulliver pulled them in Lilliput because they were tied down by thousands of tiny threads from the Lilliputians. The combined force of the threads made it impossible for Gulliver to move the ships.

What do James welchs buccaneers mutineere do with gulliver after taking over the ship on may 9th 1711?

After taking over the ship, the Buccaneers tied Gulliver up and planned to leave him on a small uninhabited island. They later changed their mind and decided to sell him to the Queen of Brobdingnag, where he faced many challenges and adventures.

What did Gulliver hide from the Lilliputians that later saved him from harm?

Gulliver hid his knife from the Lilliputians, which later saved him from harm when he used it to cut the strings that tied him down after being captured by the people of Blefuscu.

How can you get tied up?

you can get tied up from a person of from a trick

In what episode of Pokemon does someone get tied up?

epsiode 264 and 269 ash get tied up and in epsidoe 315 thatcher get tied up gagged in 308 may and max get tied up and in 314 may max and ash get tied up and in 419 ash may and max get tied up

When was Tied Up created?

Tied Up was created in 1983.