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Very valuable-as you thought and were very correct. They are valuable since they provide aconts of surviors. They had the skill to survive that is included in whatever book they wrote about their time. If we ever had to go mthrough something similar and read that we would have a much greater chance of living and being able to tell the story or we would live longer defintaly. We would be able to avoid ways of dying better than those who havce no knowlege. I think that NIGHT by ELIE WIESEL is a great example packed full of ways that people died and how Wiesel avioded them.

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3mo ago

Stories about people's survival can provide inspiration, hope, and resilience to readers facing their own challenges. They offer valuable lessons on overcoming adversity, staying strong in difficult circumstances, and finding inner strength to persevere. These stories can remind us of the human capacity for survival and instill a sense of determination and courage in readers.

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