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The nurse is insulted because she has been a motherly figure to Juliet for many years and feels like she is being pushed aside. She is used to being included in Juliet's important discussions and decisions, so being asked to leave makes her feel unappreciated and unvalued.

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Q: Why is the nurse insulted when lady Capulet asks her to leave so she and Juliet can talk in private?
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Why does lady Capulet want the nurse to come right back after just telling her to leave so she could speak to Juliet in private?

Mrs. Capulet has left the raising of her daughter totally to the Nurse. She has never had any kind of one-on-one relationship with Juliet and it makes her nervous. She falls back on getting the Nurse in there to ease her discomfort.

Why does Capulet tell Tybalt to leave Romeo alone at the feast?

Tybalt leaves the Capulet's party because Romeo and his friends have shown up, and he is angry that the Capulet's will not make him leave. Tybalt wants to fight Romeo right there, but Lord Capulet stops him and angrily orders him not to ruin the party.

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Friar Laurence finds Romeo, who believes Juliet is dead, in the Capulet tomb. Friar Laurence arrives to find Romeo devastated over Juliet's apparent death and helps Romeo take action to be with her.

What are lines whispered on stage in romeo and Juliet?

O Romeo, Romeo! Why are you called Romeo? Leave your father and refuse your name; or, if you will not, be my love, and I will no longer be a capulet.

What must Paris do before Capulet gives his consent to marry Juliet?

Romeo promises he will put Paris' body in the crypt beside Juliet after he dies.

What is the ballroom scene for Romeo and Juliet?

A Bit Of This:Scene 3: Outside the Capulet house. Guests arrive for a ball at the Capulet house. Romeo, Mercutio, and Benvolio, disguised in masks, decide to go in pursuit of Rosaline.Scene 4: The Ballroom. Romeo and his friends arrive at the height of the festivities. The guests watch Juliet dance; Mercutio, seeing that Romeo is entranced by her, decides to distract attention from him. Tybalt recognizes Romeo and orders him to leave, but Capulet intervenes and welcomes him as a guest in his house.Scene 5: Outside the Capulet house. As the guests leave the ball, Capulet restrains Tybalt from pursuing Romeo.

Who recognized Romeo at Capulet's party?

Capulet's Ball is open to everyone except the Montagues (the family which has a traditional enmity with the Capulets). When Tybalt (a Capulet) realises that Romeo (a Montague) is at the Ball, he wants to start a fight. But Old Capulet (Juliet's father) tells Tybalt that it is a party, and that Romeo seems a nice enough fellow. Tybalt is very angry that he has been prevented from starting a fight. But it isn't so difficult to work out who Romeo is. At the end of the party, when the guests are starting to leave, Juliet asks her nurse to find out who the young man was that Juliet has been talking to. It takes the nurse a few moments to ascertain that it is Romeo - but only a few moments.

What does Romeo tell Paris to do at the Capulet monument?

to graffiti it or do something to Juliet that would be unrespectful

How does Tybalt react to the news that romeo is at the party?

Tybalt reacts angrily and wants to confront Romeo for being at the party. He feels insulted that a Montague would show up at a Capulet gathering and sees it as a provocation.

Why is Romeo hesitant to leave the Capulet estate?

He has a dream that someone dies and believes that a fight will occur at the party because he is a Montague, the enemy of the Capulets.

Why did lady Capulet ask the nurse to leave then ask her to come back?

Lady Capulet asked the nurse to leave to have a private conversation with Juliet about her marriage proposal. She then called the nurse back to seek her advice and support in handling the situation and discussing the proposal further with Juliet.

What does jaunt mean in Romeo and Juliet?

Jaunt meant the same thing it means now, a trip or voyage. The nurse says "I am a-weary, give me leave awhile: Fie, how my bones ache! what a jaunt have I had!". She's talking about her trip from the Capulet house down to the market to find Romeo and to deliver Juliet's message to him.