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It is important to consider intended and unintended meaning in a work of literature because it gives insight into culture and society from both sides.

Intended meaning is looking at a piece of work from the author's point-of-view and seeing what his intention was in writing the piece of work.

The unintended meaning is from the reader's point-of-view. A meaning they took out of it that was never intentional by the author.

Both of these factors are heavily influenced by the individuals' lives, social up-bringing, and cultural influences.

An author in 1860 could write a book with one intended meaning while a reader from 1950 will find meanings in it that the author never intended and a reader in 2010 could garner a whole new set of meanings.

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βˆ™ 14y ago
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βˆ™ 6mo ago

It is important to consider both intended and unintended meanings in a work of literature because they can provide deeper insights into the author's intentions, themes, and messages. Analyzing unintended meanings can also help uncover hidden nuances and complexities in the text, leading to a richer interpretation of the work.

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