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Because he is in recovery from operation

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Holden is unable to consummate any physical act with Sunny due to his internal conflicts and emotional detachment. He struggles with feelings of insecurity, loneliness, and a desire for genuine connection, which inhibit his ability to engage in intimate moments with Sunny or anyone else. Additionally, Holden's cynical and self-destructive tendencies prevent him from forming meaningful relationships or engaging in physical intimacy.

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Q: Why is holden unable to consummate any physical act with sunny?
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Morally he doesnt wanna pay $5 if that wasn't the deal

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In Catcher in the Rye why does Holden shun away intimacy?

Holden does not shun all intimacy. He only shuns sexual intimacy. As much as he thinks the contrary, he is very immature, innocent, and compassionate as a character. Holden doesn't respond to Sunny's advances (if that is what you're referring to with this question) because he mentions how young she looks and begins to feel bad for her. He also as a direct consequence of his innocence does not want to have sex.