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He was sad.

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Romeo is crying because he believes Juliet is dead. Juliet's family has arranged for her to marry Paris, so Romeo goes to her tomb to say goodbye. When he sees her seemingly lifeless body, he is devastated and believes she is truly dead.

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Q: Why is Romeo crying?
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What is Juliets main concern that the nurse shares with Romeo?

I think it is that she is crying and crying and she will kill her self if romeo is killed but i am not positive

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Juliet tells her mother that she is crying over Tybalt's death and Romeo's banishment. She masks her feelings for Romeo by appearing to be mourning her cousin's death.

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Romeo is crying and sighing because he is heartbroken. He is feeling deep sorrow and despair due to his unrequited love for Rosaline at the beginning of the play.

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Lady Capulet believes that Juliet is crying because of her cousin Tybalt death

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"He is worried that romeo actually wants to marry a Capulet" said someone. Not true--he knew Romeo was after Rosaline and she was a Capulet. What the friar actually says, "Therefore thy earliness doth me assure thou art uprised with some distemperature." means that he suspects that Romeo is worried or upset about something and so didn't sleep well.

How does Romeo act in act 1?

If you are wondering how to act like Romeo, well, each interpretation is different! Make Romeo who you want to make him! But, make sure its ok with the director! But if you are asking how the character acts in the book, I'd have to describe him as a passionate young man.

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As Romeo enters the Capulet ballroom he spys his love,Rosealine, whom he has spent days walking and crying to himself about, as she does not love him back. As he thinks he will never get over her, in comes Juliet and romeos in love again.

Why is friar lawerence trying to get romeo to stop crying and shouting so loudly when he hears someone knocking at the door?

Friar Lawrence wants Romeo to calm down and stop shouting because his outburst could attract someone's attention. If Romeo is discovered at the friar's cell, it could expose their secret marriage and potentially lead to dire consequences. Friar Lawrence is trying to protect Romeo by urging him to compose himself.

What is Friar Lawrence's specialty or hobby?

Friar Laurence is: Trustworthy- he keeps the secret that romeo and Juliet are getting married. Friendly- towards Romeo helpful- when Romeo came to him crying for help he was very useful in doing so. kindhearted optimistic

Does Benvolio Montague cry when Romeo tells him why he is sad or does he laugh and tell him in sarcasm that he's crying?

Benvolio listens sympathetically to Romeo's troubles and offers support without laughing or being sarcastic. He is known for being a caring and level-headed friend to Romeo throughout the play.

Your man says he is no romeo what does he mean?

Hes not going to kiss your butt just so you feel loved, hell tell you he loves you but hell be a man about it and not wimpy or crying adn sobbing