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Darth Talon's red skin is a characteristic of the Sith species called the Zabrak, to which she belongs. Zabrak individuals often have distinct markings and colors on their skin, with red being a common variation. It is a natural part of their physiology rather than a result of any specific trait or characteristic.

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The red lightsaber appears as a weapon of the evil Sith in all the Star Wars movies, but it is important to note that not only the Sith use such a color. Lucas merely thought it would be more clear to align evil with one color, and he chose red. Heres a list of guys: - Darth Vader - Emperor Palpatine - Darth Maul - Count Dooku - Darth Malak - Darth Reven - Darth Bandon - Darth Revin - Darth Bane - Darth Zannah - Darth Sion - Darth Cadious - Mara jade - Asajj Ventress - Sith emperor (great galactic war) - Galan Merak - Darth Kreia - Darth Malgus - Savage Oppress - Exer Kun Also, it's spelled 'Lightsaber' Your Welcome

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