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Sir William Lucas encourages Darcy to dance with Elizabeth at a party at Lucas Lodge. Elizabeth politely refuses to dance with him, and when pressed politely refuses again and walks away.

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11mo ago

Mr. Darcy initially doesn't ask Elizabeth to dance because he finds her plain and is not attracted to her. He also believes that his higher social status makes him too good for her. Additionally, he is known to be somewhat reserved and aloof in social situations.

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13y ago

Cuz elizabeth is already dancin with the readhead

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Q: Why doesnt mr darcy ask elizabeth to dance?
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Why doesn't Darcy ask Elizabeth to dance?

Darcy doesnt ask elizabeth to dance because he thinks that she is too rude and outgoing for a woman

Why does Charlotte think that mr. Darcy is interested in Elizabeth?

Darcy is uninterested in dancing with anyone he does not know. The assumption among the local people of Meryton is that he feels himself too high above the company there. Darcy does ask Elizabeth to dance with him at the Netherfield ball, and she consents to this because she cannot think of an excuse not to dance. Charlotte sees Darcy's interest in dancing with Elizabeth as out of character and concludes that he is interested in her. In the 1995 television series, Charlotte says to Lizzy that Darcy seems to look at her a lot. I have looked through the book and have not found it there, and though it could be eluding me, I think it is something only in the TV series.

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3 people askd Bella to da dance... Eric, mike and tyler don't forget to mention Edward.

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Why do people enter relationships? There isn't one simple answer. She realized that she loved him through the actions he took to help her family and after she removed her prejudices against him, she began to fall in love.

Is it okay to ask a guy for a dance who says he doesnt like you but you think he likes you?

It's okay to ask. He doesn't have to be in love with you to dance with you. If by "he doesn't like you" you really mean "he detests you", then he can always just say no.

How do you slow dance with a guy friend What do you do after?

You ask him, dance with him (if you dont feel comfortable going cheek to cheek, keep a little distance) and then continue being friends. (Unless you are trying to ask him to start dating you, then you want to either ask him, or try being subtly for a little bit. If he doesnt get it after a bit, you may have to ask him)

How do you ask a guy to a dance if they are your friend?

ask them then dance with them

When was Ask-Elizabeth created?

Ask-Elizabeth was created in 2009.

If you ask a girl to a dance and she says no because she promised her friend that she wil go alone so she doesnt feel lonely would she be mad if you ask another girl?

I strongly doubt it. Does she like-like you?

Is it too late to ask a girl to a dance the day before or would it be better to just wait and ask her to dance during the dance?

Omg I'm a girl i would hate it if a guy asked me to the dance the day of you can ask her to dance on the day of or you can ask her to the dance the day before