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The first person point of view allows the reader to experience Charlie's emotions directly through his thoughts and feelings, creating a deeper sense of empathy and connection with the character. The reader gains insight into Charlie's inner world, motivations, and personal struggles that may not be fully conveyed through a third person narrator's observations.

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Q: Why does the author's use first person point of view allow the reader to learn more about charlie's emotions than they would from a third person point of view narration?
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Which style of narration uses pronouns referring to oneself?

First-person narration uses pronouns referring to oneself, such as "I" and "me." This style puts the reader directly into the narrator's perspective, experiencing the story through their eyes and emotions. It provides a sense of intimacy and subjective insight into the character's thoughts and feelings.

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A first-person narration can create a sense of intimacy and immediacy, allowing readers to deeply connect with the narrator's thoughts and emotions. It offers a unique perspective that can enhance the reader's understanding of the protagonist's experiences and motivations. However, it also limits the reader's access to other characters' perspectives and can potentially introduce bias or unreliable narration.

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Narration by an outside observer is known as third person narration. A third person narrator is an impartial, objective third person who is not part of the story.

In terms of narration What does point of view refer to?

first-person narration

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In first-person narration the narrator is usually a participant in the story's action.

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