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Because whoever the child was (Cecil Jacobs?) is mocking her in the playground for having a father that is a 'N* Lover' because Atticus is defending a black guy in court and she loses her temper at having her father insulted.

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Scout breaks her promise to Atticus not to fight because she sees her father in danger during the mob scene outside the jail. She acts on impulse to protect him and does not think about the consequences of breaking her promise in that moment.

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Q: Why does scout break her promise to atticus not to fight?
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In the novel "To Kill a Mockingbird" by Harper Lee, there is a physical fight between Jean Louise "Scout" Finch and her cousin Francis Hancock at Christmas. Francis insults Atticus, Scout's father, which leads to Scout retaliating by punching him in the face.

Why does scout get in a fight with Cecil Jacobs at school?

Scout gets in a fight with Cecil Jacobs at school because he insults her father, Atticus, by calling him names and criticizing him for defending Tom Robinson, a black man accused of raping a white woman. This angers Scout as she is protective of her father and believes in standing up for what is right.

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Scout gets in a fight with Francis because he insults her father, Atticus, by calling him names. Scout retaliates by punching Francis, and as a result, she is reprimanded by her uncle and sent to her room.

Is Scout ant Atticus related?

Yes, Scout is Atticus's daughter.

When does Atticus scold Scout about fighting at school?

Atticus scolds Scout about fighting at school after he finds out that she beat up Walter Cunningham. He tells her that he does not approve of her using her fists to solve her problems and encourages her to find other ways to handle conflicts.

What disaster happens at Christmas between Scout and Francis in To Kill a Mockingbird?

Scout beats up francis for calling atticus a n****r lover.

Who does not get beat up by Scout in To Kill a Mockingbird?

Scout fights many characters in To Kill a Mockingbird, including Walter Cunningham and Jem. She does not physically fight her father, Atticus, or Cecil Jacobs. Atticus specifically tells Scout not to fight Cecil Jacobs, as he does not view physical violence as a helpful solution to problems. Of fighting Cecil, Scout says, "Somehow, if I fought Cecil I would let Atticus down."

Why did francis and scout get in a fight on Christmas day?

Francis and Scout got in a fight on Christmas day because Francis insulted Atticus, saying that he was a "nigger-lover." Scout could not tolerate this insult directed at her father, which led to the confrontation between them.