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Daisy doesnt want Gatsby anymore

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Louisa Mohr

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βˆ™ 2y ago
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βˆ™ 5mo ago

Nick suggests that Gatsby should go away because he understands that Gatsby's obsession with Daisy has caused more harm than good. Despite knowing that Daisy was driving the car that killed Myrtle, Nick believes that Gatsby being with Daisy will only lead to further tragedy and he wants to protect Gatsby from that.

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βˆ™ 12y ago

Because Nick doesnt want Gatsby to get in trouble?

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βˆ™ 11y ago

Daisy doesnt want Gatsby anymore

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Q: Why does nick suggest that Gatsby go away even though he know it was Daisy who killed Myrtle?
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There isn't a character in the Great Gatsby named Jordan Wilson. There are characters who are named Jordan Baker and Myrtle Wilson though.

What are the quotes gatsby said to take the blame from daisy on running over myrtle?

In "The Great Gatsby," Gatsby tells Tom that Daisy was driving the car when it hit Myrtle. He claims that he was in the passenger seat and that Daisy was behind the wheel. Gatsby does this to protect Daisy and shield her from the consequences of the accident.

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