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He wants to give people reason. He is a very kind man and would like to get along with everyone. If you would of done your homework, you would of seen that this is extremely visible when he tells the children that the bottle in the paper bag was simply soda, not alcohol. He also married a colored woman. He has biracial children and loves them just as Atticus loves Jem and Jean Louise. He basically tells them that no one should talk smack about anyone behind their back for it is rude and they have never been in their shoes (like how Jem and Scout pick on Arthur Radley). Mister Dolphus Raymond makes an impact in Jem and Jean Louise's lives, although they are too young to understand it now. He does not care if people start rumors. He lives the way he wants to live and nothing could bother him about that. He knows that the city of Maycomb could never understand the way he lives anyways.

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6mo ago

Mr. Raymond tells Scout and Jem about his life to help them understand the complexities of race relations in Maycomb. By sharing his own experiences, he hopes to provide them with a different perspective on the town's prejudice and discrimination, encouraging them to challenge societal norms and think critically about the world around them.

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13y ago

He tells the two that what's in the paper sack is just soda. He pretends to have a drinking problem so people leave him alone.

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13y ago

mr. Raymond tells jem and scout the truth about his life because they're children and they can understand it

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