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Tybalt wants to confront Romeo because he feels insulted by Romeo's presence at the Capulet party. He sees Romeo as a Montague intruding on Capulet territory. Tybalt's pride and loyalty to his family drive him to seek revenge against Romeo.

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Q: Why does Tybalt approach mercutio and benvolio and wants a word with one of them?
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When Tybalt and Mercutio first begin arguing what does Benvolio try to get them to do act 3 scene 1?

Benvolio encourages Mercutio to stop fighting with Tybalt. He tries to restrain Tybalt without any success.

Why does benvolio tell mercutio lets retire?

Benvolio tells Mercutio to retire because he senses a brewing confrontation between Mercutio and Tybalt, and wants to avoid any violence. Benvolio is concerned for their safety and tries to diffuse the situation by suggesting they leave.

What are mercutio and benvolio arguing about?

Mercutio and Benvolio argue about Tybalt's challenge to Romeo in Shakespeare's "Romeo and Juliet." Mercutio is hot-tempered and wants Romeo to fight Tybalt, while Benvolio tries to calm the situation and prevent violence. Their argument eventually leads to Mercutio's death at the hands of Tybalt.

Why does Benvolio fight Tybalt in Act 1 Scene 1?

Benvolio fights Tybalt in Act 1 Scene 1 because Tybalt instigates the fight by challenging Benvolio and the other Montagues. Benvolio tries to keep the peace between the two households, but Tybalt's aggressive actions force him to fight in self-defense.

How was mercutio killed?

Tybalt actually did it in a kind of accident, he didn't see where his blade was going. Mercutio only died because he couldn't see Tybalt's blade because Romeo had jumped in between them to stop the fight. +Romeo jumps in the way. +Tybalt wants to keep fighting, so he thrusts his rapier in the gap between Romeo's arm and body. +Mercutio nor Tybalt saw the rapier, until it was too late and the rapier landed square in his chest.

What does he say romeo tried to before mercutio was killed?

Benvolio, at the Prince's request, explains the two fatal swordfights.He tells the Prince that Romeo tried to talk Tybalt out of fighting and tried to make peace with Tybalt, and that Romeo reminded Tybalt that the Prince had forbidden fighting. He relates how Tybalt and Mercutio insisted on fighting, and how Romeo had knocked their swords away from each other with his arm and had rushed between them trying to stop the fight.He explains that Tybalt started the fight.

How does romeo react when Tybalt and mercutio start fighting?

He wants to stop the fight because he knows he must not hurt Tybalt because he is now related to him, and Mercutio is his friend.

In act 3 mercutio and benvolio get into a conflict with Tybalt what does romeo do when he comes upon them?

He puts himself between them, probably facing Mercutio, who is his friend and whom he wishes to protect. Tybalt, however, stabs Mercutio under Romeo's arm. Oops. But never mind, it gives Mercutio a chance to make one of the most quotedspeeches in world Literature.

Who starts the fight that ends with Romeo fleeing the city?

Mercutio starts the fight that ends with Romeo fleeing the city.

Who tries to keep fighting in Romeo and Juliet?

A number of people do at various times. Benvolio does by trying to stop the fight in Act 1 and also the fight between Tybalt and Mercutio. So does Romeo. Friar Lawrence does by thinking that marrying Romeo and Juliet will end the feud. The Prince does by banning street fights on pain of death. Even Capulet does by telling Tybalt to lay off Romeo at the party.

Why do benvolio and Tybalt fight?

because romeo dies and Juliet is eaten by a shark

Do Mercutio and Benvolio know that Romeo loves Juliet?

heck no, they just think he wants to eat her out and tap that.....Juliet wants his d