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Svidrigailov kills himself in "Crime and Punishment" due to a combination of guilt over his actions, a lack of prospects for his future, and a desire to avoid facing consequences for his crimes. His suicide serves as a final act of self-punishment and a way to assert control over his fate.

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Q: Why does Svidrigailov decide to kill himself in crime and punishment?
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In the novel Crime and Punishment by Dostoyevsky, Raskolnikov kills Alyona Ivanova, the pawnbroker, and Lizaveta Ivanova, the pawnbroker's sister. Svidrigailov kills himself. Other characters' causes of death such as Marmeladov's and Marfa's are not clear.

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The cast of Crime and Punishment - 2008 includes: Tony Robinson as Himself - Presenter

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That depends on the seriousness of the crime. For petty crime, shoplifting, speeding and so on, the local magistrate would decide in the Magistrates Court. The punishment would be a fine or some public service. More serious cases of crime would be tried in a crown court before a judge and jury. The jury would decide on guilt and the judge would decide on the punishment. The punishment would be jail.

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The jury does not decide what punishment the defendant gets, the judge does. The only thing the jury decides is whether the defendant is guilty or not guilty of what he is accused of.

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intentional act against legal parameters is crime. punishment do not define crime.

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The Esperanto word for crime is "krimo" and the word for punishment is "puno".

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Evidence is a key factor in deciding whether a person is guilty of a serious crime. Ultimately, a judge and jury will decide the punishment.

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Dostoyevsky published Crime and Punishment in 1866.

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What are the release dates for Crime and Punishment - 1917?

Crime and Punishment - 1917 was released on: USA: 25 February 1917