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Francis called Atticus a nigger-lover, and said he's raising his kids the wrong way, letting them go wild and such, and that he's ruining the family.

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βˆ™ 12y ago
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βˆ™ 5mo ago

Scout punches Francis because he insults her father, Atticus Finch, by calling him a "n*gger-lover" and Scout stands up for Atticus by physically defending his honor and integrity.

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βˆ™ 10y ago

Because Francis told her that her father a n****r lover.

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βˆ™ 14y ago

He insulted her father, Atticus.

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Q: Why does Scout punch Francis?
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Does Scout agree with Francis' attitude towards Atticus' case?

No, Scout does not agree with Francis' attitude towards Atticus' case. Scout admires her father Atticus and his commitment to justice and fairness, while Francis holds a more narrow-minded and prejudiced view. Scout's values align more closely with Atticus' principles.

Did Scout punch Francis?

Francis called Atticus a nigger-lover, and said he's raising his kids the wrong way, letting them go wild and such, and that he's ruining the family.

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Scout punches Jem in Chapter 9 of "To Kill a Mockingbird" when he destroys her snowman by using mud to make a hat and beard on it. She gets upset and reacts by punching him in the face.

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Scout punched Francis in the mouth after hearing him insult Atticus, which caused Francis to cry.

Did scout agree with francis attitude towards atticus?

No, Scout did not agree with Francis' attitude towards Atticus. Scout was very close to her father and admired him greatly. She did not appreciate Francis speaking ill of Atticus and defended him when Francis made negative comments.

What did Francis say that Scout called him?

Francis said that Scout called him a "nigger-lover" when they were having an argument.

What disaster happens at Christmas between Scout and Francis in To Kill a Mockingbird?

Scout beats up francis for calling atticus a n****r lover.

Why does scout get in a fight with francis in to kill mockingbird what is the result?

Scout gets in a fight with Francis because he insults her father, Atticus, by calling him names. Scout retaliates by punching Francis, and as a result, she is reprimanded by her uncle and sent to her room.

What happened between Scout and Francis?

In the language used in the book, Scout beats up Francis for calling Atticus a n****r lover.

Why does scout beat up Francis even thought she was told not to?

Scout beats up Francis because he insulted her father, Atticus, by calling him a "n****r lover." This deeply offends Scout as she has a strong sense of loyalty and admiration towards her father, leading her to defend him despite being told not to.

What does Francis do that upsets Scout in To Kill a Mockingbird?

Francis calls Atticus names and insults Scout by calling her father a "nigger-lover." His words upset Scout because they are disrespectful and hurtful towards her father.

Why is scout's reaction to francis insults about Atticus worse than cecils?

francis Cunningham