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Juliet becomes irritated when the nurse returns because she is impatient to hear news from Romeo and the nurse takes too long to share the information. Juliet is anxious about her future and frustrated by the delay in getting updates about her love.

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Q: Why does Juliet becomes so irritated when the nurse finally returns?
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Why is Juliet so impatient for the nurse to get home in Act 3 Scene 2?

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When the nurse returns with Romeos message she does what?

The nurse returns with Romeo's message and delivers it to Juliet, updating her on their plan to be married. She also gives Juliet instructions on how to meet Romeo later that night.

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Why does Juliet become irritated when the Nurse does return?

Juliet becomes frantic when the nurse pretends that she is too tired to give her the news. Finally the nurse tells her that she is to go see Friar Lawrence so that she can be wed to her love, Romeo.

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They both die.

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What act did romeo kill Paris?

In Act V, when he returns to Verona after hearing of Juliet's death.

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Why does the nurse delay telling Juliet about Romeo's plans?

When the Nurse arrives, she doesn't tell Juliet the news right away. She is teasing Juliet, but she finally tells her the details of the plan.

What is her mother's reaction to Juliet's response?

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