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Greg relaxes when he recognizes Lemon Brown because it gives him a sense of familiarity and safety. Lemon Brown is a character from a story Greg's father used to tell him, so seeing him in real life reassures Greg and makes him feel connected to his past and his family.

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Q: Why does Greg relax when he recognizes lemon brown?
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Who are the characters in the treasure of lemon brown?

greg ridleys and greg father and lemon brown

What is the rising action in the tresure of lemon brown?

The rising action in "The Treasure of Lemon Brown" by Walter Dean Myers occurs when the protagonist, Greg, discovers Lemon Brown's treasure in an abandoned building. As he learns more about Lemon Brown's past and the significance of the items in the treasure, tensions rise as Greg faces a threat from a group of boys seeking the treasure for themselves.

Who are the main characters in the treasure of lemon brown?

Lemon Brown and Greg Ridley

In The Treasure of Lemon Brown who are the main characters?

The main characters in "The Treasure of Lemon Brown" are a teenage boy named Greg Ridley and Lemon Brown, an elderly man who used to be a blues musician. The story follows their encounter in an abandoned building and the lessons Greg learns about the importance of family and following his passion.

What are 8 main conflicts in The Treasure of Lemon Brown?

In "The Treasure of Lemon Brown" by Walter Dean Myers, the main conflicts include Lemon Brown's internal struggle with the loss of his dreams and identity, Greg's conflict with his father about his priorities, the external conflict between Greg and his father about Greg's grades, and the confrontation between Greg and the thugs who are searching for Lemon Brown's treasure.

Why does lemon brown squueeze greg hand?

Lemon Brown squeezes Greg's hand to convey a sense of urgency and intensity in their conversation. By gripping Greg's hand firmly, Lemon Brown is trying to emphasize the importance of the lesson he is sharing with Greg about valuing what is truly important in life. The physical touch adds a personal connection and underscores the sincerity of Lemon Brown's message.

Who is the protagonist and for the story the treasure of lemon brown?


Why does lemon brown pull back his shoulders when he tells Greg his name?

Lemon Brown pulls back his shoulders when he tells Greg his name to show that he is proud and dignified. This gesture signifies that Lemon Brown values his identity and wants to assert his presence and importance to Greg. It highlights Lemon Brown's self-respect and desire to be acknowledged as a person of worth.

What is Greg's treasure in The Treasure of Lemon Brown?

In "The Treasure of Lemon Brown" by Walter Dean Myers, Greg discovers that the real treasure is the stories and memories Lemon Brown shares with him about his past as a blues musician. Lemon Brown's treasure is the legacy of his music, the love of his family, and the resilience he has shown in life. Ultimately, Greg learns the value of empathy, understanding, and human connection through Lemon Brown's stories.

How did lemon brown change greg?

Lemon Brown's story about his past struggles and sacrifices helped Greg realize the value of family, the importance of pursuing one's passions, and the idea that material possessions are not what truly define a person's worth. Lemon Brown's wisdom and experiences inspired Greg to appreciate the small moments in life and to cherish the relationships that matter most.

How do Greg feelings toward lemon brown change over time?

Greg's feelings toward Lemon Brown change from initially feeling scared and annoyed by him to developing a deep respect and empathy for him after hearing Lemon Brown's life story and realizing the struggles he has faced. Greg goes from viewing Lemon Brown as a threat to understanding and connecting with him on a human level.

What does lemon brown teach Greg about complain about pain?

Lemon Brown teaches Greg that complaining about physical pain can sometimes distract from the deeper emotional pain underneath. Lemon Brown shares his own story of hardship and loss to help Greg understand the importance of perspective and resilience in facing life's challenges. This lesson helps Greg appreciate the value of courage and inner strength in overcoming adversity.