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He asks this because if they didnt call a doctor, it kind =a showed the obviousness that they were lying. Also, if they didnt call a doctor, there was no real proof that Tom Robinson raped Mayella Ewell. They can always ask a doctor to examine Mayella whether or not she really was or if she is faking.

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3mo ago

Atticus asks Heck Tate if he had called for a doctor because he wants to confirm if medical attention was necessary for Bob Ewell's injuries. Atticus is seeking clarity on the severity of the situation to ensure that proper steps are taken in response.

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13y ago

Atticus can't believe that sherriff tate didn't call a doctor because he says that she was pretty beat up and he can't remember her injuries so he says if they were so bad why didn't he call for a doctor

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13y ago

because he is trying to make a point that Tom is crippled on his left arm(remember that) and Mayella's injuries are on her right side. Well how could Tom hurt her with his CRIPPLED left arm on mayella's RIGHT side? He couldnt! Bob Ewell(her father) hurt her! and Atticus made him sign his name to show the jury that he is left handed and HE hurt mayella! does this make any sense? i wish i could draw a diagram....

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13y ago

Heck Tate says that the reason no one called the doctor for Mayella is that it was already clear that she had been beaten up, so there wasn't any need.

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13y ago

Heck didn't call the doctor because Mayella was only bruised and there was no need for a doctor because she didn't have any major injuries.

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Q: Why does Atticus ask Heck Tate if he had called for a doctor?
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To Kill a Mockingbird heck tate called a doctor?

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