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He tells her this because he has decided not to go ahead with it. His whole "If it were done when tis done then it were best it were done quickly" speech is him carefully considering the reasons for and against committing the murder. He finds lots of reasons against it, and only one insufficient reason for it--"vaulting ambition". But all the reasoning in the world cannot stand up to her contemptuous statement that he has no balls if he refuses to go ahead with her plan.

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βˆ™ 5mo ago

Macbeth tells Lady Macbeth that he won't do the murder because he is initially conflicted about killing King Duncan. He is torn between his ambition to become king and his moral conscience, which creates hesitation and doubt in his mind. This internal struggle highlights the complexity of Macbeth's character and the moral dilemmas he faces as he contemplates committing regicide.

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