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Curley likely chose his wife based on physical attraction and the status she brought him as the boss's daughter. However, their marriage is portrayed as largely unhappy and driven by possessiveness rather than genuine love or compatibility.

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Q: Why do you suppose curley chose his wife to marry?
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Why does curleys wife rush to marry curley?

Curley's wife rushes to marry Curley because she is lonely and seeking attention on the isolated ranch. She believes marriage will offer her a way out of the stifling environment and provide her with companionship. Additionally, it is suggested that her relationship with Curley may have been motivated by a desire to rebel against her family or pursue a life different from her past.

Where were Curley's wife rather be than married to Curley?

Curley's wife will rather be an actress in the movie.

Why did Curleys wife marry Curley?

Curley's wife married Curley because she wanted to escape her unsatisfying home life and seek attention and companionship. She saw Curley as her ticket to a more exciting and adventurous life, despite the consequences of his controlling and violent behavior.

Why did curleys wife marry curley in of mice and men?

Curley's wife married Curley because she was lonely and seeking attention. She viewed marrying Curley as a way to escape her dreary life on the ranch and find companionship, even though their relationship was ultimately unhappy and lacking in true connection.

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It is Candy who first discovers Curley's wife's body in the barn.

Who murders Curley's wife?

You did.

What does curley's wife admit about what she thinks about curley?

Curley's wife admits to Lennie that she dislikes Curley, finding him mean and unpleasant. She reveals that she only married him because she thought she could escape her lonely life by becoming the wife of the boss's son.

What is curley's wife implying when she asks Lennie where he got the bruises on his face?

Curley's wife is implying that Lennie got the bruises on his face from fighting with Curley. She recognizes that Curley is quick to pick fights with the workers on the ranch.

Who see's curley's dead wife?

Curley, George, Candy, and Lennie are the ones who see Curley's dead wife in "Of Mice and Men."

What is curleys wifes name?

Steinbeck doesn't give Curley's wife a name, to show that Curley has ownership of her, and depicting her as more of a piece of property than an actual person.

How long were Curley and his wife married mice and men?

Curley and his wife were married for two weeks in "Of Mice and Men." Their marriage is portrayed as unhappy and lacking in intimacy, with Curley's wife seeking attention from the other men on the ranch.

Who is Curley wife supposedly having an affair with?

In John Steinbeck's novel "Of Mice and Men," Curley's wife is believed to be having an affair with Slim, one of the ranch workers. Although there is no concrete evidence of an affair, Slim's close relationship with Curley's wife and his respected position on the ranch lead others to speculate about their involvement.