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The process for every writer is different. There are some who like to outline their story before getting down to work, others feel that the outline hinders the creativity process. You have to decide which method works best for you and go with it. Whatever works to get the story done!

If you want to write an outline, come up with a point form list of the main plot points. What happens at the beginning middle and end of the story? Do you know how you're going to link the plot points? An outline can show pretty clearly if you're not sure how to connect the elements in your story.

You can also write an outline of the main characters journey. Again, what happens to your main character at the beginning, middle and end of the story. How does the main character change, grow or fail?

In the end it's important to remember that an outline is not written in stone. It is a guideline that shows the shell of the story. Writing is a changeable art, as you write elements will change, characters will change. Never stick to an outline just for the sake of it. Use it as a jumping off point to make your work the best it can be.

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15y ago
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3mo ago

Writers outline their stories to plan the plot, pacing, and character development. It helps them stay organized, ensure continuity, and clarify their ideas before embarking on the actual writing process. Ultimately, outlining helps writers maintain focus and coherence in their storytelling.

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13y ago

write a short paragraph or a 1. 2. 3. set for each part of the story

also get to know every character and setting

What would the character say in X situation?

Why would you go to X setting?

Why does X setting exist and what is its place?

What part does each character play?

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11y ago

If you don't have some sort of plan, outline, or organization, then your story won't make sense -- it will ramble all over and never come out the way you want.

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