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The girls make Huck feel ashamed because they expose the hypocrisy and cruelty of society's norms and values, which he has unwittingly internalized. Their behavior challenges his beliefs and forces him to see the injustices around him, leaving him feeling conflicted and uncomfortable.

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read you book;;Huck didn't wanted the king and the Duke to steal the money from kind girls. So he did steal the money.

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Luciano Huck was born on September 3, 1971, in So Paulo, So Paulo, Brazil.

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Chris brown should be ashamed what he did to Rihanna was so unfair. Chris Brown is ashamed of what he did to Rihanna, he said he was ashamed in a interview.

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The boot print with a cross in it in "Huckleberry Finn" was made by Huck's father, Pap. Huck's father was described as a drunken, violent man who left his mark on Huck's cabin door.

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Mrs. Loftus discovers that Huck is not a girl when he reveals his ability to thread a needle with both hands. Typically, girls are expected to have more refined sewing skills, but Huck's proficiency with both hands gives him away as a boy.

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Girls make up guys so they can fit in with the 'popular' girls or to make other guys jellous.

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A better answer: I'm a guy and I like girls to put on make up and stuff if they want, if you just do it to attract people they don't get it, So put on what you like which makes you stand out more! Or helps you blend, boys like short skirts, ashamed to admit it, it's sick!!! Have fun :)

Why does Huck make the Welshman promise not to tell anyone that is huck who warns him?

Huck wants to help Mary Jane out of gratitude for her kindness towards him. However, he knows that both Mary Jane and himself could be in danger if his identity as the messenger is revealed, so he asks the Welshman to keep it a secret to protect them both.

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Because they like girls so they make songs about them

Why does pap was trying to kill Huck?

Pap was trying to kill Huck because he wanted access to Huck's money, which was being held in a trust and couldn't be accessed by Pap. He saw Huck as a means to get his hands on the money and believed that by getting rid of Huck, he could access it.

Why does Pap yell at Huck for becoming civilized Is he right?

Pap yells at Huck because since he has become civilized he thinks that Huck is now better than him so then he becomes angry