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They sat with the Negro's so that Atticus couldn't see them and because all of the other seats were taken, so they went to sit in the colored section. They ended sitting by Rev. Skys.

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The Finch children sit with the black folks in "To Kill a Mockingbird" because their father, Atticus Finch, is defending a black man named Tom Robinson in a controversial rape trial. By sitting with the black community, the Finch children show solidarity with those marginalized by racism and injustice in their town.

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The quote "But before you can live with other folks, you've got to live with yourself" does not appear in "To Kill a Mockingbird" by Harper Lee. This quote is from the book "Go Set a Watchman," which was published after "To Kill a Mockingbird."

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Scout Finch mentions that there is only one kind of folks: good folks. She believes that people should be judged based on their character and actions, rather than superficial qualities like race or social status.

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Yes, Mr. Underwood confronts society in "To Kill a Mockingbird" by using his newspaper to address issues of racism and inequality, particularly in his defense of Tom Robinson. He expresses his disapproval of the unjust treatment of Tom and criticizes the racism present in Maycomb.

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