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Holden feels depressed because he does not want to believe that his best days are already behind him. He struggles with the idea that his youth is slipping away and worries about his future happiness. The old man's words serve as a reminder of the fleeting nature of youth and innocence.

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Q: Why did it depress Holden when an old guy told him that his days at Pencey were the happiest days of his life?
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The duration of The Happiest Days of Your Life is 1.35 hours.

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Holden's sudden departure from Pencey Prep is influenced by his feelings of alienation and discontent with his surroundings. He is disillusioned with the superficiality and hypocrisy of the people around him, and he feels emotionally disconnected from his classmates and teachers. This sense of isolation leads him to seek escape and a fresh start elsewhere.

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Nobody in this world is always happy. And nobody can be regarded as the happiest person in the world. But every person who he(or she) considers himself(or herself) as the happiest person in the world can be the happiest one. (i.e. the one who always stays happy) Every person (human) has one sorrow/sadness each. Everybody can be happy for secs, minutes, hours, days or weeks or... but not always.

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How old were you when you ate a granola bar?

I was 19 when i had my first granola bar. And it was the happiest days of my life. ♥ PLEASE TRY THEM AND GET "PHILLIPS" BRAND !

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Graveley Edwards has: Performed in "The Last Voyage of Captain Grant" in 1938. Performed in "The Parnell Commission" in 1939. Played Rev. Edward Perk in "The Happiest Days of Your Life" in 1947. Played Mr.Fang in "Oliver Twist" in 1948. Played Rev. Edward Perk in "The Happiest Days of Your Life" in 1949. Played Lord Grenville in "BBC Sunday-Night Theatre" in 1950. Played Treysa in "Twelve Thousand" in 1950. Played Archbishop of Canterbury in "Happy and Glorious" in 1952.

What's Catcher in the Rye about?

The first-person narrative follows Holden Caulfield's experiences in New York City in the days following his expulsion from Pencey Prep, a fictional college preparatory school in the fictional city of Agerstown, Pennsylvania.Holden shares encounters he has had with students and faculty of Pencey, whom he criticizes as being superficial, or, as he would say, "phony", Holden's ultimate insult for anything. After being expelled from the school for poor grades, Holden packs up and leaves the school in the middle of the night after an altercation with his roommate. He takes a train to New York, but does not want to return to his family and instead checks into the dilapidated Edmont Hotel. There, he spends an evening dancing with three tourist girls and has a clumsy encounter with a prostitute; his attitude toward the prostitute (a girl his own age) changes the minute she enters the room, and after he tells her he just wants to talk, she becomes annoyed with him and leaves. However, he still pays her for her time. She demands more money than was originally agreed upon and when Holden refuses to pay he is beaten by her pimp, Maurice (despite her encouraging him to simply threaten the money out of him and leave).Holden spends a total of three days in the city, characterized largely by drunkenness and loneliness. At one point he ends up at a museum, where he contrasts his life with the statues of Eskimos on display. For as long as he can remember, the statues have been unchanging. These concerns may have stemmed largely from the death of his brother, Allie. Eventually, he sneaks into his parents' apartment while they are away, to visit his younger sister, Phoebe, who is nearly the only person with whom he seems to be able to communicate. Phoebe views Holden as a hero, and she is naively unaware that Holden's view of her is virtually identical. Holden shares a fantasy he has been thinking about (based on a mishearing of Robert Burns' Comin' Through the Rye): he pictures himself as the sole guardian of numerous children running and playing in a huge rye field on the edge of a cliff. His job is to catch the children if they wander close to the brink; to be a "catcher in the rye". After leaving his parents' apartment, Holden then drops by to see a former, and much admired, English teacher, Mr. Antolini, in the middle of the night, and is offered advice on life and a place to sleep. Mr. Antolini tells Holden that it is the stronger man who lives humbly, rather than dies nobly, for a cause. This rebukes Holden's ideas of becoming a "catcher in the rye," a heroic figure who symbolically saves children from "falling off a crazy cliff" and being exposed to the evils of adulthood. During the speech on life, Mr. Antolini has a number of "highballs," referring to a cocktail served in a highball glass. Holden's comfort is upset when he wakes up in the night to find Mr. Antolini patting his head in a way that he perceives as "flitty." There is much speculation on whether Mr. Antolini was making a sexual advance on Holden, and it is left up to the reader to decide whether this is true. Holden leaves and spends his last afternoon wandering the city. He later wonders if his interpretation of Mr. Antolini's actions was actually correct.Holden decides to move out west; he relays these plans to his sister, who decides she wants to go with him. He refuses to take her, and when she becomes upset with him, he tells her that he will no longer go. Holden then takes Phoebe to the Central Park Zoo, where he watches with a bittersweet joy as she rides a carousel. He decides, while watching Phoebe, to go home and "face the music". At the close of the book, Holden chooses not to mention much about the present day, finding it inconsequential. He alludes to "getting sick" and living in a mental hospital, and mentions that he'll be attending another school in September. Holden says that he has surprisingly found himself missing Stradlater and Ackley (his former classmates), and even Maurice the elevator operator/pimp. He says, "Don't ever tell anybody anything. If you do, you'll start missing everybody".