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Lennie saw a girl in a red dress. He touched it, she panicked and Lennie would not let go. The girl was scared and told people that she had been raped by Lennie, even though this was a lie. Lennie and George had to run away.

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6mo ago

George and Lennie left the last place they were at because Lennie unintentionally caused trouble by touching a girl's dress, which led to them being pursued by an angry mob. They had to flee to escape any potential consequences.

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12y ago

they left the last place they were at"weed" becuase lennie wouldnt let go of the ladies dress

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12y ago

he kill a girl

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Q: Why did George and Lennie leave the last place where they at?
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What describes the incident that Lennie and George caused to leave their last place of work in the Of Mice and Men?

Lennie touched a woman's dress because he liked its soft texture, causing her to scream, which made Lennie panic and hold on tighter. This scared the woman, leading to false accusations of assault against Lennie. George and Lennie had to flee as a result of this incident.

What are George's last words to Lennie in of mice and men chapter 6?

As always, George was solicitous of Lennie's welfare and protective of him. His intent was to send him to a better place, a place he'd never known, a place where they'd have the rabbits Lennie had always so yearned for in his gentle, infantile mind. George shot him then at the precisely right moment. --The Ern.

What are george and lennies last names?

In John Steinbeck's novel "Of Mice and Men," George and Lennie's last names are not given. They are simply referred to as George Milton and Lennie Small.

What are george and lennies full names?

George's last name is Milton and Lennie's last name is Small.

Of Mice and Men-what happened at the last place where Lennie and george worked?

At the last place where Lennie and George worked, Lennie unknowingly got into trouble by petting a woman's soft dress and not letting go. This led to a misunderstanding that resulted in George and Lennie having to flee as a result.

Why does Lennie kill George?

In John Steinbeck's novel "Of Mice and Men," Lennie does not kill George. George ultimately makes the difficult decision to shoot Lennie to prevent him from suffering a worse fate at the hands of others after an accidental tragedy Lennie causes. George kills Lennie out of a sense of compassion and mercy.

From 'Of Mice and Men' what is Lennie's last name?

Lennie's last name is Small so it's full name is Lennie Small.

Why do George and Lennie come to Soledad?

George and Lennie come to Soledad in search of work as ranch hands during the Great Depression. They hope to earn money to achieve their dream of owning their own piece of land and living off the fruits of their labor.

What are the names of the two main characters in of mice and men?

George and Lennie Small. George's last name never comes up.

What page on of mice and men did George kill Lennie?

page 106 the second to last page

In of mice and men What excuse does George give their boss for leaving their last jobs?

The excuse George gives the boss, for taking so much trouble for another guy, in the book, is that he knew Lennie's aunt Clara and Lennie had been kicked in the head when he was younger, so he needed someone to look after him.

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Well you can buy them at the store in Med, Lrg, and X-Lrg In John Steinbeck novel '' Of Mice and Men'' the main character George and Lennie had a unique relationship. George took care of Lennie since Lennie has a mental illness. George was right to kill Lennie for the following reason. First Lennie will suffer more if Curley finds him and tortured him to avenge her wife from Lennie. Secondly Lennie will not cause more trouble if Geoorge have kill him. Lastly LEnnie might kill anyone again by accident. My first reason in my opinion is that Lennie might suffer more if Geogre didnt kill him. If Curley finds him ,the first thing might Curley do was to catch him and make him pay for what he have done to her wife. Curley will not stop looking for Lennie until he dont revenge her wife. If Curley and the worker catch him, Curley will make him suffer in pain while the other workers tortured and they will have no mercy on him and they will kill Lennie no matter what happened and no matter what it takes. George does not want that to happen to Lennie because he cannot bear watching his best -freind Lennie dying and suffer in pain before he die. Instead of other people kill Lennie ,he did it in his own way which is the most easiest way for Lennie to die without feeling any pain. He know that it was wrong but he also know that he cannot resolve the problem so he did it. There is no way that Curley will forgive Lennie and George know that too. However if George did not kill Lennie Curley might do it in humilating way. My second reason in my opinion is that Lennie will not cause more trouble if George did not kill him. Lennie is sometimes burden to George and sometimes George cant do what he want because he think that Lennie might do another trouble again. George know Lennie than anyone else so he sometimes know what is running on Lennie's mind. George took all the responsibilities for Lennie when Lennie's aunt Clara died. If Lennie is still alive he might cause more trouble in the ranch or in the bunk house. George was right to kill him because he and the others do not know anymore what might Lennie do next especially Lennie has a mental illness and sometimes he dont know what he is doing . In that case it is justified that George killed Lennie to avoid more troble especially when there are in the place where is a lot of people. Even if Curley forgive Lennie and he is stil alive the boss will might not accept them anymore. They already knew that Lennie sometimes donot know what he is doing and maybe they will not talk to him and go near to him because they might be affraid that Lennie might hurt them, like what he did on Culey's wife. The boss was Curley's father so the boss will throw them away. It is just right for George to killed Lennie in order to make more trouble avoided to being worst. My last reason in my opinion is that there is a lot of possibility that Lennie might kill anyone by accident and repeat all the entire mistake he did. Lennie does not know his own strength and sometimes he cannot control it when he is so nervous like what he did to Curley. Curley punch Lennie in the face and the other part too but Lennie did not fight back because his affraid until George encourage him to fight back and Lennie grab Curley's hand and he crush it. George try stop Lennie for crushing Curley's hand but Lennie is still holding it but he let it go to. Lennie always done bad things and every trouble he made George was the one who argue with them. George always save Lennie in every trouble he made. Lennie also always forget what George told him . Example for that is when Lennie try to find his work card is his side coat pocket he do not find it and think that he lost it but the truth is George has it because he know that Lennie might lose it by carrying his own work card. Lennie also done bad things always by accident like killing the mice, the puppy and especially Curley's wife so it is not posssible that he might do it again and kill another person. Only George can understand Lennie very well than anyone else and even though he do not see what really happened in Curley's wife he know that Lennie did not do it on purpose and even George try to explain it to others no one will listen and it will make no differences. No one was there to see what really actually happened at that incident. It is just right for George to kill Lennie for his own sake too and the others . Those are my three reason why should George have to kill Lennie and he was right to do it. George killed Lennie in order to save him from a painful death of the hands of Curley and the other workers. He ought to execute his own best-friend by himself just as Candy the swamper felt that he should have killed his own dog rather than letting a stranger do it and George also it was the right thing to do at that time and there is no time left because Curley and the workers are looking for them and they also near to them. Other's say it what morally wrong because it was mercy killing but in George situation it is just right. Sometimes it might not be but "yes" it might right be too in some circumstances. It is hard for George to kill his best-friend but what George did is for Lennie's own sake to. George is the one who is always make decision for Lennie but ,not for what Lennie can have .George make decision for what is the best for Lennie because he care so much and he love Lennie even his not showing it to him.