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He was having nightmares about Padme dying in childbirth and he was desperate to find any kind of way to prevent that. Palpatine, in a way, manipulated Anakin (if you get what I mean) and he then became Vader. But remember in the end of Return of the Jedi, he learned that he wasn't really evil: he was just mislead

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Anakin Skywalker became Darth Vader because he fell to the dark side of the Force due to his fear of losing his loved ones and his desire for power. Manipulated by Emperor Palpatine, Anakin turned against the Jedi Order and embraced his new persona as Darth Vader, becoming a ruthless Sith Lord.

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13y ago

Anikin became Darth Vader for quite a few reasons, mostly having to do with fear. In Episode One, Yoda clearly says that "fear leads to anger, anger leads to hate, hate leads to suffering." Anikin was AFRAID to become a jedi when Qui-Gon brought him out of slavery to the jedi temple. He was very much in awe of them, even while he himself proved to succumb to arrogance at the best of times. He later became ANGRY with the jedi for insulting him by not allowing him the rank of Master after he joined the jedi counsel in Episode Three. He then began to HATE them, killed nearly all of them, and SUFFERED the death of Padmé, his wife.

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13y ago

Anakin Skywalker was ambitious for power. And since Palpatine (aka Emperor or Darth Sidious) was able to get Anakin to trust him so bad that he'd believe anything, that was a plus as well. When Anakin had a nightmare/vision of his secret wife Padme dying in childbirth, he swore he'd do anything to prevent that. And Sidious made him believe that turning to the dark side was the only option.

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