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Mercutio wants Romeo to go to the Capulet's party because he wants Romeo to take his mind off of his rejection by Rosaline.

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6mo ago

Romeo should attend the Capulet party because it presents an opportunity for him to see Rosaline, the woman he is infatuated with. Additionally, attending the party allows him to socialize, have fun, and potentially distract himself from his unrequited love for Rosaline.

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12y ago

Benvolio tells Romeo he should attend the party because Rosaline might be there. Rosaline was a girl that Romeo liked before he met Juliet. Except Rosaline didn't love Romeo back.

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Q: Why Should Romeo Attend The Capulates Party?
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Romeo ends up reading the invitation to the Capulet's party because he is asked to read the contents aloud for a servant who is unable to read. This chance encounter leads to Romeo deciding to attend the party, where he meets Juliet and the events of Shakespeare's "Romeo and Juliet" are set in motion.

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Benvolio suggests that they attend the Capulet party to compare Rosaline to other women so Romeo can see that there are others who are just as beautiful.

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Benvolio believes that if Romeo were to attend the Capulet party, he might see other beautiful women and be able to move on from his current infatuation with Rosaline.

Why does romeo agree to go to the Capulet party?

Romeo and Benvolio attend Capulet's feast because the Capulet servant that was given the party list couldn't read, and on accident bumped into them in the streets. When Romeo was reading the list off to the servant, he read Rosaline's name and decided he wanted to go secretly. At the party is where he encounters Juliet.

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Romeo and his friends were discussing their plans to attend the Capulet party where Romeo hoped to see Rosaline, the girl he was infatuated with at the time. They were also joking around and teasing each other about their romantic endeavors.

How do romeo and his friends learn about the party at the Capulet's?

Romeo and his friends learn about the party at the Capulet's through a servant's invitation list that is accidentally shown to them on the streets of Verona. They decide to attend the party as an opportunity for Romeo to see his love interest, Juliet.