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The antagonist in "The Body in the Library" by Agatha Christie is Colonel Melchett, the police officer who initially suspects the wrong person of the murder and is shown as an authoritative figure.

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Q: Who was the antagonist in the body in the library?
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When was The Body in the Library created?

The Body in the Library was created in 1942.

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Who wrote body in the library?

Agatha Christie wrote The Body in the Library.

How many pages does The Body in the Library have?

The Body in the Library has 245 pages.

What is recipricol innervation in human body?

Reciprocal innervation refers to the coordinated activation of muscles on opposite sides of a joint. For example, when one set of muscles contracts to move a joint, the opposing muscles relax to allow for smooth movement. This mechanism helps in maintaining balance, stability, and coordinated movement in the body.

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Difference between agonist and antagonist?

Agonist works with the muscles, and the antagonist is the muscle working against it in a contraction. i.e. Bicep curl, the agonist is the Biceps brachii and the antagonist muscle is the triceps brachii.The word agonist means "producing an action" - an antagonist opposes that action. In medicine, an agonist binds to a receptor site and causes a response, often imitating the natural body reaction. An antagonist acts against this drug and blocks the response. for examples ramiels small balls and pubic hair

Shoulder muscle that is the antagonist of the trapezius?

Shoulder adductors. Abduction means moving away from the median plane of the body and adduction means moving towards the median plane of the body.

What is the antagonist of orbicularis oculi?

According to Gray's Anatomy(1918) by Henry Gray (1821–1865), in Anatomy of the Human Body, chapter 4b. The Muscles of the Eyelid, the antagonist of the orbicularis oculi is the levator palpebrae.

How do agonist and antagonist muscles work together at joints?

Agonist muscles are responsible for creating movement by contracting, while antagonist muscles work to oppose the movement by lengthening. This coordinated action of agonist and antagonist muscles helps to stabilize and control the movement of the joint. By working together, these muscle groups ensure smooth and controlled movement at the joint.

Why does antagonist want to harm protagonist?

If antagonist did not want to harm protagonist, he wouldn't be antagonist. His opposition to protagonist is what makes him antagonist.

What is a bad guy in a story called?

Antagonist or villain.