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One mother figure is Miss Temple, the headmistress of Lowood Institution and later her friend, when Jane Eyre became a young adult. Miss Temple married and left Lowood, which caused Jane immediately to feel so lonely that she began to think of leaving and changing her situation.

Mrs. Fairfax, the housekeeper at Thornfield Hall, might also be seen as a mother figure. Jane respected her, valued her opinions and judgment, and enjoyed her companionship, especially in the early days of her employment there.

Much later in the story, the old servant Hannah might even be seen as a mother figure, because she took that role with the Rivers children after their own mother died, and she also became very fond of Jane once she accepted her as a member of their family.

Another mother figure is the moon. I know that sounds unlikely, but I'll explain how this is true. First let's look at a quote from Jane Eyre: I lifted up my head to look: the roof resolved

to clouds, high and dim; the gleam was such as the moon

imparts to vapours she is about to sever. I watched her come-

watched with the strangest anticipation; as though some word

of doom were to be written on her disk. She broke forth as

never moon yet burst from cloud: a hand first penetrated the

sable folds and waved them away; then, not a moon, but a

white human form shone in the azure, inclining a glorious

brow earthward. It gazed and gazed on me. It spoke to my

spirit: immeasurably distant was the tone, yet so near, it whispered

in my heart-

"My daughter, flee temptation."

"Mother, I will." (Jane Eyre ch. 27)

Now let's look at what makes the moon a motherly figure.

The real 'motherly figure' that the moon is representing is most likely her real mother, who Jane has no true memory of her appearance. The 'moon' she sees in the dream may be interpreted as guidance from her dead mother, as she gives Jane advice. It would most definitely fit in with the supernatural aspect of the book. Also how she the 'moon' calls Jane daughter and Jane calls the 'moon' mother. That could mean that the 'moon' is actually Jane's mother, not just a figurative 'mother'.

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6mo ago

Adèle's mother in Jane Eyre is Céline Varens, a French Opera dancer. She is depicted as irresponsible and neglectful towards her daughter.

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13y ago

Celine Varens, an opera dancer who was Rochester's mistress.

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she was a dancer in a seedy club

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